Chapter 14-Martha

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Parent-teacher conference... you're ready. You can do this.

That was my mantra of the week as I prepped to see Jonathan again. Three months, it's been three months since I've seen him. I had my arrangements so that he would be able to see Paige and we agreed to tell her that he had been traveling for work but not once did I see him. Whenever we texted and he tried to veer the conversation into talking about us, I immediately made it clear that I wasn't going to speak unless it had to do with Paige. The first month I was an absolute train wreck, the second month I was getting myself together and spending time with Paige, and this last month has been all about being okay with seeing him again.

Our scheduled meeting was at 4:30pm. It's 5:30pm, he's late and I've been awkwardly sitting in the classroom with Paige's teacher for an hour now. The awkward silence game of 'where is your husband' was killing me. The ticking of the clock above the door and my wrist watch are all that had my attention. I kept trying to make sure I had the right time. When I looked up to find Ms. Braisan already looking at me, I gave an awkward chuckle.

Ms. Braisan was coming up on her 30th birthday only 2 to 3 years older than Jonathan. She had short blonde hair, blue eyes, short stubby eyelashes and she wore a light blue button down with a black pencil skirt. Whenever I asked Paige how school was, I knew the big smile was because of Ms. Braisan. She was the kind of teacher that cared about her students and found genuine joy in teaching.

"I'm sorry I'm sure he's almost here, let me just try calling him again." I said as a desperate attempt in trying to save myself from the embarrassment. Standing up, I walked out the door dialing Jonathan's number. The first time he didn't pick up I figured he might be driving. Though the third time made images pop into my head. Images of him fucking Jackie on his office desk forgetting about Paige, forgetting about me.

Suddenly a phone started ringing down the hall, along with fast paced footsteps. I started to hear a voice whispering to themselves as they got closer. "Stupid... fucking late... way to fucking go... damn meeting... should have picked up when she called the first five times." The voice came around the corner to reveal Jonathan. His walking slowed as he approached me. He wasn't clean shaven anymore, it wasn't fully grown out, just nicely placed stubble that gave a very rugged five o'clock shadow. All in all, as much as I hated to admit, he still looked good. Those green eyes held something I had never seen before... regret?... longing?

"Hey." His voice brought me out of the trance I was caught in. I cleared my throat, tearing my eyes away from him.

"You're late. We were supposed to have this thing an hour ago. Where were you?" My voice stayed firm, unwavering and detached.

"I'm sorry I got caught up in a meeting." An involuntary scoff left my mouth. Of course he was stuck in a meeting or fucking his mistress. "I swear, Martha, if I could have gotten out of it I would have."

"Well you're here now so let's go inside." I went to open the door when his hand caught my arm. Why is he touching me?

My eyes immediately went to his hand, then to him. He got the memo and quickly let me go, "Martha do you think we could talk?"


"Please Martha, we need to talk. You said you needed space and I've given it to you. Three months of it, so please I just want you to talk to me again." Before I could respond the door was opened from the other side.

Ms. Braisan stood with a small smile on her face and a slight look of relief, "Ah, Mr. Carso, I was beginning to get worried."

"I apologize, there was a meeting that went longer than planned." Jonathan straightened up, clearing his throat.

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