Chapter 29-Martha

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Walking up to the front door I took a deep breath. I pulled my dress down slightly and moved it around my body trying to get comfortable. It was a gray cotton long sleeve that had a circle neckline, stopped mid thigh and hugged my curves perfectly with brown knee high boots. Lori did my hair in a half up- half down and used a curling iron to give a more wavy look, "Would you stop fidgeting, you look great" Lori scolded me from behind as she approached.

"Are you sure this is okay?" I said, smoothing out the non-existent wrinkles.

Lori aggressively rolled her eyes at me, "For the hundredth time, yes." She turned to look down at the little 5 year old between us. "Paige, tell your mother how great she looks."

A toothy grin came from my daughter as she looked up at me, "You pretty mama." My heart strings tugged and I couldn't help but smile.

"Okay now that your ego has been boosted, can we ring the doorbell?" Lori said pointing at the button.

I inhaled and exhaled one more time trying to swallow my nerves. Nodding to Lori, she turned and pressed the button. A loud ring could be heard coming from inside. The sound of heels followed, "Coming!"

The door opened to reveal Diana, my mother, in all her glory. Her dark hair was pulled into a low bun but not too low where it covered the expensive earrings she was sporting. Her outfit consisted of an all white Cotton Poplin Shirtdress with pearls and white kitten heels to match. "Mi flor!" She said as she beamed down at Paige.

"Abuela!" Paige said excitedly. She ran in my mother's arms, she had a look on her face that was content.

My mother looked up noticing Lori and I, "Ladies". She said, acknowledging us. When Paige stopped hugging her, my mother moved to the side and widened the door for us to enter. We stepped inside as my mother closed the door behind us, "Is there a particular reason why you're late?"

I turned and pointed to Lori, "It was her."

"Hey." Lori whined, though after seeing my face she rolled her eyes and looked back at my mother, "Sorry Mrs. De León I just couldn't decide on what to wear. Every time I looked in the closet nothing was right." It was the most sarcastic apology in the world though you would never know because it was really directed towards me. That was the same excuse I gave her when she came to my house and I still wasn't ready.

"Oh that's alright dear and you look great." Diana said as she smiled at Lori. After she held Paige's hand and made her way to the kitchen, "I just think it's good to show up before other guests do."

As we continued, we heard two men in the kitchen laughing. I knew those voices very well. When we entered I smiled at the two of them. Though my smile dropped once I felt a tug on my arm jerking me out of the kitchen. Looking at the culprit I was staring at a wide eyed Lori. "What's wrong?"

"What's wrong?" she whisper-yelled at me, "You didn't tell me Dr. Reyes was going to be here!"

"Okay first of all his name is Mason, you know this and you know he's one of Ryan's best friends. And you know he's become a very good friend to me as well with everything going on."

"Yea yea yea," she waved me off, "I know all of that, sure. But you didn't tell me he was going to be here."

"I didn't think I needed to." I said with a shrug, "You never talk to him anyway."

She huffed out in annoyance and started fidgeting with her dress. I saw Lori taking deep breaths in and out and fixing her hair in the mirror that was on the wall beside me. I bit back a smile as I saw how flustered she was to see Mason. I couldn't let her see that I knew full and well the effect this man has on her. "Can we go in now?" I inquired, snapping her out of it.

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