Chapter 63-Ryan

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Being out in the cold with Martha looking as beautiful as she does and talking about "as long as my heart is in it" was practically suffocating me.

Get your shit together

I rushed off the balcony with a dry mouth and a tightness in my chest.

Kitchen..where's the damn kitchen

Being in Garrett's house for the umteenth time doesn't exclude me from getting lost every now and again. Especially when his house is filled with a bunch of people, the majority of whom I don't even know. Some are from the shop, others I'm sure are from the corporate office that I have yet to meet.

Turning another corner, I finally made it to the kitchen. I found the cabinet with the glasses grabbing the first one in my sights.

"What's with you?"

I turned to find Mason leaning on the opposite counter sipping on what was probably whiskey, "Nothing."

"You're lying." It's annoying how easily he's able to read me but I wasn't in the mood so I do what I do best, shove down feelings and deflect.

"Where's Lori?"

My question definitely threw him off, "H-how would I know that?"

I scoffed, "Because I saw the two of you talking earlier in the corner acting like no one could see you." Mason didn't school his expression fast enough.

I wanted to laugh and call it out but he seemed to recover as he spoke, "Where's Martha?"

"On one of the balconies, I just came to get some water." Turning to the faucet I let the water fill up to the rim before bringing it to my lips and enjoying the feeling of the cold liquid traveling down my esophagus.

"You gonna kiss her?" That was all it took to think I was going to die. I was hacking up a fucking lung thanks to this dickhead. Slamming down the cup causing more to splatter over my hand I felt Mason come closer and pat my back. I could hear him chuckling under his breath.

"Dickhead." I grumbled.

"So, are you?" He inquired again ignoring my struggle.

Once I calmed myself enough to form a coherent sentence I spoke, "W-why would I do that?"

"Because it's New Year's Eve...."

"Well with that fucking logic, are you going to kiss Lori?"

"Okay, first off, I barely know the woman. We just work in the same hospital. And B that is completely different from what is going on with you and Martha."

"Yea how so?"

Without missing a beat, "I haven't been secretly harboring feelings for Lori for the past decade." He stared at me down, daring me to tell him he was wrong.


I knew he was right, hell I'm just a coward and I've known this since she started dating Jonathan. I couldn't muster up the courage to do anything about it and hated myself for it.

"If I open that door... I'm afraid she's going to run away and never look back."

He sighed, "It could happen but I think she'll come back."

All the answers I'm looking for could be given to me if I just muster up the courage to tell her what's going on in my head. My mind just won't let me forget her current situation and if I'd be adding unnecessary stress to her plate.

Mason patted me on the back, snapping me out of my thoughts, "Come on you got this!"

I nodded my head pushing myself off the counter to head back out.

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