Chapter 48-Martha

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The hospital was buzzing with patients and doctors running around but I couldn't focus on any of that because of the buzzing happening in my pocket.

Why didn't I just leave it in my locker?

Ever since that night Jonathan has been contacting me nonstop. I felt as though I made my feelings very clear and I didn't know what to tell him. I responded with simple answers but we definitely got our wires crossed.

"Mar...Mar.... Hello earth to Martha!" Lori said, waving her hand in my face. I blinked rapidly remembering I was in the middle of paperwork when my mind wandered. "You okay?"

I started shuffling papers getting reorganized, "Yea...I'm fine"

Lori didn't look as if she believed me but she didn't have a choice. The head of the nursing department, Christine came over. Christine is in her forties and has been a part of this hospital since her residency. She always conducted herself professionally and the nursing staff honestly couldn't complain. Her 5' foot height did nothing to put down her authority or her fiery nature. She also always wore her long black hair in a bun and reading glasses on top of her head. "Ladies just want to remind you we are going to need to restock soon for the night shift, it's low key at the moment so take the moment while you can." With that she patted the marble desktop and went on her merry way.

"Thanks Christine!" Lori called out as she left.

I rose from my seat, "I'll do it" making my way to the supply closet to gather things needed for the cart.

I was towards the end of my list when my phone buzzed. I fished it out seeing that it was Jonathan. I know I shouldn't have been surprised but I hadn't felt any buzzing in the last 20 mins. Wishful thinking I guess.

When I opened the message, it read: "Please think about joining me for another session with Dr. Salner. I think it's best if we talked about this. I'm sorry for coming on too strong, I just don't want to lose you."

I sighed, shaking my head and placing my phone back into my pocket. 

There were gauzes on the top shelf that I tried to reach for knowing damn well I was too short to get them without hurting myself.

"Jesus Martha! You're going to hurt yourself," Lori frantically came in, getting the step stool on the other side and bringing it to my aid. "Here."

I stopped reaching and moved to the side as she placed it for me. "Thank you, what are you doing here?" I mumbled as I ascended the step stool grabbing the rest of the supplies that were needed for the hallway.

"Well when you volunteered to get the supplies I stayed to man the desk. However, you were taking longer than usual so when Joseph came in for his shift I decided to come check on you."

"Hmm." Was all that came out of me, as I continued to be in my own little world.

Lori huffed in annoyance, "Are you going to tell me what the fuck is going on with you?"

I started coming down, passing her the supplies I couldn't hold, "Lori I'm fine."

"No you aren't, you've been acting really weird actually." The buzzing in my pocket went off again and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Lori caught the reaction immediately, her eyes went from my face to my pocket. "Who's texting you?"

"No one, just stupid notifications." I shrugged trying to exit the room.

Lori placed her hand on my shoulder preventing me from leaving the supply closet. "Martha, I am only going to ask this one more time and if you lie to me again there will be a repeat of the locker room. That is a promise."

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