Chapter 8: One Time Coincidence

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  • Dedicated to Richele Ira Barron

Yani’s POV

It’s been one week since I arrived here in London. No thrill did happen actually these past few days except during the presscon. So I decided to go and walk by the bay near The Big Ben. So it’s what I did. But first I changed my clothes unto a White T-shirt with a British flag on it, skinny jeans and a Red converse with a White lace on it. I wore my black heart necklace and music note earrings. I brought my iPhone 5 and like 100 pounds with me. Instead of going there with a cab, I decided to walk for a little exercise and I arrived where I want to be. The breeze of the air tickled my skin as I sat on a bench over -looking the bay.

As I was staring at the calmness of the sea while sitting on this bench, I saw a two jet skis running back and forth ruining my perfect view under the sun. Wait! Hold on! Is that…….. Oh my Gosh! It’s Logan and Carlos from Big Time Rush riding the jet ski. I love them so much, I’m a rusher by the way. Well I guess it’s because of their shooting for their new movie “Big Time Movie”. Can’t wait to hit it. I grabbed my iPhone as I spotted the camera crew just 3 blocks away from me according to my estimation. It’s not that really hard getting to them cause it seems like no one knew them since their American boy band. I went to the crew and asked if I could have an interview with Kendall and James. They quickly agreed as I explained that I’m an article writer for Candy magazine. The man that talked to me quickly went to search for Kendall and James and they showed up for about just a minute. Oh there it is.

“Hi Kendall and James. Nice to meet you!”, Oh my gosh! I can’t believe it I’m finally having an interview with them.

“Hi nice to meet you to fella’”, oh how adorable Kendall.

“So about you guys, how are you feeling about having a movie. Are you excited or what?”, I clicked the record button of my iPhone making sure I get every detail they say.

“Well I’m very excited about it in fact, in this movie, you’ll actually won’t barely see us commonly singing but”, nice cut James.

“We’ll be spies!”, James continued.

“So it’ll be like you’re gon’na be big time spies most of the time?”, sounding interesting.

“I like that which probably yes!”, Kendall nodded.

“James, Kendall you’re next”, a man yelled.

“Sorry we’re next thanks anyway”, James sounding ridiculous.

“It’s okay guys thanks again.”, I smirked.

“Bye”, they both said in unison. I love those guys anyway.

            I left the spot and head to a little coffee shop. As soon as I arrived, I sat at the balcony of the shop. A familiar lady approached me for my order until I realized she was my sister. Well I hadn’t seen her since mom and dad divorced. Mom took me with her, dad took Jenna, my sister with him.

“Jenna!?!”, I exclaimed with excitement upon seeing my sister.

“Jessica?”, well it’s been my nickname in my childhood days. Yani was just used when I met Tinsley, Shannon, Amy and Faye.

“I haven’t seen you for a long time sister!”, I smiled exaggeratingly.

“Me too well how are you? I’d seen your names in Candy Magazine, you really did achieve your goal of becoming a writer kid.”, well she’s older than me. So go for it!

“Thanks Jenna I really appreciate it. Well I’m fine, I’ll be starting my contract with Simon Cowell-“, she cut me off.

“Who-whoa what did I just hear? Simon Cowell?”

“Jenna you didn’t let me finish. My contract with Simon Cowell to be the assistant of One Direction that’s it. I’m done!”

“Wow sister I thought contract of becoming a singer. I know you always wan’ na be a singer also.”, she laughed.

“But One Direction huh! Get Niall’s number for me.”, she kids me.

“Oh! Sister well just get me a Mocha Frappe and a…………… Croissant.”, I said ridiculously.

            She smiled and left me at the table. I checked my phone and started to write an article about BTR on my notepad. After 5 minutes, Jenna came back handling me my order.

“How much?”, I asked like a boss. Sorry sis!

“That’ll be 5 dollars and a quarter mam”, she said unsurely.

“Here’s 10 dollars keep the change!”, I laughed.

“There’ll be come a time sister, there’ll be come a time.”, she whispers as she got farther and farther.

            After I finished my last sip, I immediately left the shop. I hurriedly ran in the streets until I……


Zayn’s POV

            I decided to walk a mile after arguing with Harry again. I decided to go to the bay where we shoot some of our scenes in our One Thing video. I was walking peacefully until I heard some noise.

“Look Zayn Malik is over there”, not again. I ran as fast as I could until I bumped unto someone. Wait, that someone isn’t just a someone, she’s the fucking girl I bumped on last week on the press conference. Dang she’s still beautiful.

“Ouch!”, oops! I think I’ve hurt her.

“Sorry!”, I apologized to her as I held her hands up. No! The fans are nearly attacking me, I don’t have an afro. There’s only one thing to do. I covered up my head with my hoodie and I………

Yani’s POV

WTF! Zayn Freaking Malik just kissed me! Idiot! I tried to push him away but he hugged me to tight. There’s no way I can get over him.

I heard some directioners screaming “ZAYN ZAYN ZAYN!”. Oh my gosh! My world is ending. Tears escaped my eyes but luckily the fans didn’t notice us. He quickly releases me as the fans left our spot.

“What the hell Zayn!”, I screamed.

“Oh so I see you know my name.”, what an idiot answer.

“Fuck up Bitch!”, I left him with anger.

“Too harsh my friend!”, he muttered.

Hahaha! Too many bad words. Who cares? It’s Rated 13. Well hope you like it. Till’ the next chappie!

Love you my bunnies!!!

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