Chapter 6: Welcome to London

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  • Dedicated to Meg Garcia Bonilla

Yani’s POV

Huh! After the long hours of my flight….., Yay! I’m in Europe! As I got out of the airport, I tried to look for a cab but it seems like there’s someone who’s assigned to approach me. Jessica Yaniryse Brookes; I read on one of the cardboard held by a man in tux with shades and hat. I went to him and said, “Yaniryse Brookes?”, he quickly got my luggages and lead me to the wha -what? A limousine? Whoa! Take it easy man. You’re actually gon’na ride a limousine on your first day on a country that you never visited before. I am so excited! I went inside, there’s a mini – bar and a television set, pretty cool huh! The car started moving and as we get farther and farther to the airport, I can see the beauty of the real life London. Tall buildings, old houses and ooh! The Big Ben and Buckingham Palace, I am so lucky. After 30 minutes of riding the vehicle, we finally arrived at our destination which is probably the what? Syco Music Building? I don’t know how to sing or dance whoa! Oh well! Maybe Mr. Cowell wants me to write an article about Syco Music haha!?!

“Good Morning Mam! I’m Theo and I will lead you to your real destination.”, a short man greeted me as  I enter the tall building with my excitement in disguise leading me to the elevator. He pressed the button 28 which probably I guess we’re going, floor 28. The doors of the elevator finally opened and I saw a cardboard saying Simon Cowell, CEO and Owner. What? I’m actually gon’na meet the Simon Cowell which people often call Bitch. Well I better just shut up about the thing when we talk.

            The doors quickly opened as we entered the big room almost half of the floor. What a technology.

“Oh! There you are Ms. Brookes!”, a man in black long sleeves which probably I guess is Simon Cowell, greeted me in a natural British accent with gladness as he sees me enter the room.

“Good afternoon Mr. Cowell!”

“Well the reason I asked your manager for you to come is because I need you to be the assistant and at the same time to write about my boys, One Direction.”

“But I don’t know how to be an assistant; I only know how to write articles. I work for Candy Magazine not band babysitting program, but it’s a chance so….. I’d take it why not?”

“Well thank you Ms. Brookes for accepting the job. It’s really been a pleasure. By the way I already booked your reservation on the hotel you will be staying at before you go to the boys which probably will be still next next week. I hope you’ll enjoy your stay here in England.”

“Thank you Mr. Cowell!”

“The driver will be leading you t the hotel. If you need anything here’ my calling card just call me.”, Mr. Cowell said as he hands me his calling card. I smiled at him and leaved the room. I went to the elevator and went on the first floor. As I went out to the elevator, I quickly searched for the bathroom, Oops there it is. I went inside the bathroom checking if someone’s in there but no one so uhm!?! I looked at myself in the mirror thinking.

So what should I call myself, the reason I came here is to have a new life. Yani has a lot of difficult and sad past so I think it’s time to be Jessica., I said to myself as I wash my face. Well it’s official from now on I’m Jessica.

            I went out of the bathroom after thinking all those things. Went outside as Jessica going to the limo once again. The car started to move leading me to the hotel.

-At the hotel –

            The limo stopped as if we were at the hotel. Wow! It was really huge. It’s like there’s 50 floors ahead of me and a wide view of the largest lobby I’ve ever seen in my life. I entered the hotel with my violet converse step by step trembling with excitement. I can feel the midst of air coming from the lobby as I entered it little by little. A bell boy approaches me on my 6th step asking for my luggages. The driver quickly gave my bag to him and guided me to the lobbyist.

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