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After Jeanette had been saved, the girls finally had some time to breath and get acquainted to the situation they now were in. They were stranded somewhere, in the middle of nowhere, but definitely not in Kona, where they were supposed to be right now. They didn't know if and when help would be coming. They did know though, that they were royally fucked.

There was a heavy silence surrounding them as they sat all by themselves that had already gone on for over an hour. Occasionally, the sisters, Rachel and Nora, exchanged a word or two, for the most part, it was Rachel snapping at Nora and saying it were all her fault. In addition, there was Jeanette who thanked Leah, who lay in the gras a few metres away from the others, over and over again. And of course there was Shelby, who was the only one doing something useful as she walked along the shore, collecting all resources, she found.

Grace's knees hurt, but it was nothing serious, just a little scrape that wouldn't take long to heal. Still, it was important to keep clean, so no infection would follow. But in comparison to Martha and Jeanette, her wounds were nothing. Martha had twisted her ankle, after the crash, and Jeanette, well, Grace had taken a brief look at the girls stomach, after she cried her out the water.

Things didn't look good for the girl. She was bleeding internally. Most of her worries washed away, after she had seen how lively the girl was. Maybe, it wasn't as bad as it looked, she tried to convince herself. After all, the blonde tended to worry about most things way too much.

------ flashback ------

"I'm going to die, papa," spoke eight year old Grace, lying in her rose-coloured kingsized bed with all her stuffed animals and fifty pillows, all in different shade of pink. A wet cloth lay on her head, keeping it cool.

A faint smile making its way upon the old man's face. "What makes you thing that, Gracie?" he asked, slightly amused. He sat by his daughter's bed all morning, reading her stories.

"Well, I'm feeling so dizzy and weak. I'm cold and hot at the same time. I'm both shaking and sweating. My throat is terribly soar and my head spinning. My muscles ache. I suffer from a loss of appetite, I didn't even want to eat the chocolate tart, usually, I get hungry as soon as I hear someone even say the word chocolate," she explained.

"Oh, Gracie dear. You are having a simple fever. It will pass before you know it and then, you can play with you friends again," said her father sweetly, while caressing his daughter's arm.

Grace looked at him, still worried and not yet convinced "But papa, are you sure I'm not suffering from the same disease uncle Gerhardt suffered from. He died last month. What he had might have been contagious."

"No Gracie, I'm sure. Girls cannot get what your uncle Gerhardt had."

"Well, then I'm glad to be a girl," spoke, before drifting into yet another sweet dream.

Suffocating // Toni ShalifoeWhere stories live. Discover now