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------ seven ------

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------ seven ------

"The black box and the cave both turned out to be a total disappointment."

"What do you mean by that?" asked agent Young, though he fully knew the answer. His eyes were set on the exhausted in front of him.

"Well, nothing happened. We all thought the black box would be our way out of there. So we waited. We waited a day and then two, before we knew three had passed. At this point, our high hopes had completely vanished and been replaced by much darker feelings. On my part those were feelings of abandonment, like no one cared enough to bring us back home. I was mad at the world for leaving us there," Grace explained, thinking back to all the time she had spent staring at the neon box.

"And as for the cave. Let's just say it wasn't Dot's best idea. The night was bitter cold. The temperatures were freezing. I shivered through the night," she went on. "Wait, one fun thing did happen that night."

------ seven ------

"A bat took an actual shit in my actual mouth," Dot told Toni as they carried Fatin's suitcase back to their camp at the beach, discussing the weather. The days were unbearably hot, whilst the nights were terribly cold.

Meanwhile Grace was in the water ridding herself from all the dirt and sweat the last days had brought with them. It was something she didn't know she needed so badly. Personal hygiene kind of kept her human.

"Fuck, I miss my socials," Fatin sighed, her dead phone in her hands as she walked through the shallow water. She was wearing her jade bikini and a matching headband. Somehow the girl still managed to look stylish, even after everything that happened.

"Feels strange to say this, but I sort of don't," Shelby shrugged.

"Oh, come on," the other girl exclaimed. "The fans, the haters, the memes. The thirst-traps. It's all happening somewhere but... without us." She spoke the truth the world was going on. The earth wouldn't stop revolving simply because nine teen-age girls were missing (well, ten actually).

"You know what my daddy always says, when he thinks I'm looking at my phone too much?" Shelby tried to cheer her up. "He says, 'You'll never spot a rainbow if you're looking down.'"

Grace had to resist scoffing at the blonde's comment. It seemed like something Mr. Goodkind would say though. Problem was that Grace didn't really like Mr. Goodkind. Even though through all of their years of friendship, Shelby had only ever spoken in words of admiration and praise of her father, and the man had never been openly rude to the cheerleader, something about him just felt off. He didn't seem like a good person.

"Uh, except that people are always posting rainbow pics on instagram," Nora joked, earning a laugh from Fatin and Grace.

"Can I get my soap? Time for a quick whore bath."

Suffocating // Toni ShalifoeWhere stories live. Discover now