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With her father out of the picture, Grace and her mother had started to earn their own money, waiting tables. It was physically hard work. At the end of her shifts, Grace's arms hurt from carrying all the heavy trays and her feet ached from all the walking she did. But she was paid well, especially for a high schooler.

Although her loan wasn't the best, she received a good amount of tips. During her first few days, she had learned the basics. If you wanted to get tips - high tips - you just had to get the old men drunk, laugh at their jokes and take every order with a smile. The drunker people get the more generous they become.

But although she worked hard every night at the restaurant, Grace still had trouble financing her costs. Therefore, she had to make a few cuts. One of them was shopping for new and trendy clothes. Thus, one night the blonde had an idea.

"Mum, do we still have the sewing machine?" she asked Maria Hart who was watching yet another episode of "Say yes to the dress". Not taking her eyes off the TV, the woman slightly nodded. "Where?" Grace questioned, this time annoyed at how her mother wouldn't give her any attention. In a similar manner, Maria pointed at the cupboard in her room.

Instead of thanking her, Grace rushed towards the small room, looking through said closet. As she found the sewing machine, the work began. Her first project was to reform her old emerald green prom dress, using both the bodice and the fabric of the long skirt for new pieces of clothing. Over the course of two months, the girl had changed almost her entire closet, spicing up some of her clothes. She even sold a few of her pieces online, making extra cash.

------ fifteen ------

By the night, the situation seemed to have calmed down. Toni was up on her feet again and the others felt better too. Nevertheless, Dot kept checking on the rest every ten minutes. To the cheerleader's annoyance the Texan walked around with a flashlight.

Occasionally, she even directed its bright light right at the others faces, making it all the more difficult for Grace to finally fall asleep.

When the light hit Fatin for the first time, she actually cared enough to complain, differentiating her from Grace, Nora and Rachel, who had just endured Dot's torture. "Hey," Dot tried as she only received an unimpressed "What?". "Routine conciseness check," the Texan explained, before sitting down next to Fatin and Grace.

Different to the cheerleader, Fatin was interested in a conversation with the     brunette. Grace only turned away from the two of them, covering her ears with her jacket to protect herself from the noise. Yet she could only muffle the sounds.

"Get the fuck away from me, fuck face," the other girl responded dryly.

"Hey, uh," Dot began. "Do you remember when you said that you were never going to shit outside? How's that resolution holding up for you?"

Suffocating // Toni ShalifoeWhere stories live. Discover now