Last Resort

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Sykkuno POV 

My body was shaking hard as I stared at the scene in front of me. Corpse just sat there staring at Toast's body for a moment. I focused in on the twitch in his jaw and the pulse beating rapidly in his neck, as his fingers ran through his dark curly hair. 

"One Imposter has been killed! One remains! Three to One odds!"  A voice screeched over the entercom. 

Jack and Rae sat beside me, each resting a hand against my shoulder, staring at Corpse. After a moment of deep breathing Corpse stood up and turned, taking a few small steps toward us. Jack jumped up between us, his fist gripping the crowbar that Rae had beat the shit out of Corpse with. "Don't come closer, Corpse" 

"Guys its okay." 

"No, Sykkuno, it's not. Corpse has killed too many people." 

"But he didn't kill us." 

"But he can. And most likely will." 

"Sykkuno, please it'll be for the best," Rae tried to calm me. 

"No! There has to be a way around this!" I felt rage, hot violent rage like I never had before. What is going on with me? My eyes locked with Corpse's, I wanted to show him how I felt and that I was confused. He seemed to be struggling himself. He winced and then fell to his knees, gripping the scan machine to stay upright.

"Im sorry, Sykkuno, but it has to be done." Jack walked forward, the bar held high above his head, and stood over Corpse. Corpse still had his head down, in pain from something. Slowly his head lifted enough to look at me and they shifted from solid red to his completely normal eyes. 

"Wait, Jack! We don't have to kill him! We can fix him!" Jack did not move to strike Corpse, instead his arms relaxed slightly. 

"What do you mean?" 

"The med scan, it tells us how to fix our ailments when something is wrong. It can tell us how to get rid of the imposter from Corpse." 

"But Corpse is the imposter," Rae stated confused. 

"No there is another being inside him, like a second personality.  It's hard to control but it can be. Maybe the machine will help us find a way." I was desperate to save him. It wasn't fair that anyone in the ship had to die. 

"What do you think, Jack?" 

"I really don't want to kill Corpse, Rae. So I'll try anything if it stops this bloodshed." 

With that being said I saw Corpse's imposter snap into full control and it swatted Jack across the room. Instantly I jumped up and grabbed hold of Corpse, wrapping my arms around his chest and my legs around his making it hard for him to move. 

"Get off of me!" It screamed. I felt his body begin to tremble as I gripped him tighter. 

"Its okay, Corpse. Nothing bad is going to happen. Calm the imposter and come back out" 

"He doesn't have control you fool," its voice lightened slightly, sounding more like Corpse.  That's where you are wrong. 

"We are going to help you. Just relax and take back over. I'm tired of seeing those red eyes," the imposter gripped my shoulders trying to peel me off. This only made my grip tighten as I buried my face into his neck. "I miss those beautiful dark chocolate eyes that shine when you smile and laugh. I miss that laugh that is contagious,” his hands gripped me tightly, almost clawing at me to release my grip. “Just come back, Corpse." I whispered into his ear. There was a low growl, then his hands slid down from my shoulders, down my back and hugged me tightly. I sighed in relief, my breath all escaping smoothly. Corpse was fully in control now, I could feel it. 

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