The Electrical Disaster

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Sykkuno POV

I collapsed right there. I was in too much shock to keep myself upright or awake, so I fainted.

 I heard a loud beeping and flashing red lights which made me stir in my sleep. Suddenly Lilly was shaking my body, "Sykkuno hurry there is a meeting something happened while we were asleep!" My eyes turned up and saw Corpse and Scott standing at the door waiting for us. 

"Oh uh yeah I'm coming," I stumbled to my feet, eyes still locked on Corpse. Slowly we made our way to cafeteria.  

Is he the impostor? He doesn't seem any different from normal just a little more dark, but he'd been acting like that more and more. I had seen him watching horror videos on his laptop while eating dinner alone. I knew he was different but I always enjoyed being around Corpse. Maybe that would be my downfall… 

We all sat down around the largest table and Rae began to talk. "Alright guys. So last night while almost everyone was asleep or should have been asleep I saw Peter go out and go to weapons, I thought it was weird so I followed him. He was talking to someone someone with a lighter voice, so definitely not Corpse me or Lily, he screamed after saying something like 'I know what you are and I'll expose you if you try to fuck with me'. I ran in after the scream and saw his body on the floor covered in blood and the vent had a bloody glove print on it. So I'm assuming they went in the vent." 

"That's a lot to process Rae. Especially with Lily, Scott, Ethan, Corpse and Myself being in Medbay asleep." 

"What time did this happen Rae?" Corpse asked. 

"Maybe half an hour ago since we had to wake you all up to get to the meeting." 

"We?" He pushed.

"Toast and I. He was the first person I ran into after finding the body. He was near storage. Him and Jack had fallen asleep against the boxes." 

"I can confirm Toast and I slept in the storage area but both Rae and Peter were there when I fell asleep. Toast was the one to wake me up tho so he was still in there." 

"Well I was the first awake and all of the people Sykkuno said were still in medbay with me," Corpse defended. 

"So we have no idea who it is really because everyone seems to have an alibi?" Everyone nodded and I placed my hands on my head. "So what do we do just go on about the day or what?" 

"That's probably the best option right? If we don't know we shouldn't kill someone and risk it being wrong unless we have enough evidence." Corpse followed up. 

Everyone agreed, got up, and went about their day trying to be normal. Lily, Corpse and I just sat their for a moment unlike the others. 

"Well there went the first…" Lily spoke quietly. "At least the lambs won't die first huh, Sykkuno?" 

I chuckled slightly trying to help her feel better. "Yeah I guess so. Maybe we aren't as weak as we thought." 

"Who ever said you two were weak? You two were smart to stay with just each other. I've been around everyone so if someone like Jack dies it makes people suspicious about me. So you two have cleared each other completely. Which is smart. The only thing you'd have to do is a medbay scan and that would be complete innocence to each other and the rest of us." 

"Would you do it with us? We don't really know how to set up stuff in the Med Bay." Lily asked hopefully.  

"I'll set it up for you but I told Jack that I would meet him later on at shields. So I'll set it up and watch Sykkuno then I gotta meet Jack." 

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