Finding The Truth

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Sykkuno POV 

"Jack it's been a long time since we saw anyone. Do you think they are okay?" 

"You're right let's go try to find some people. Try not to split up too much though." We shut down the cams and made our way down to electrical.  Peaking inside anxiously we deduced there was no one inside. Next storage. I heard whimpering and then found Lily. 

"Lily, weren't you supposed to be with Rae?" 

"She left me! She ran after Toast and just left me down here! I stayed thinking she'd come back up she hasn't !" 

"Come on we are going to find everyone." I helped her to her feet, giving her a gentle hug, then led them through shields into O2. Toast and Rae were yelling at each other when we stopped at the door. 

"You left, you have to be the imposter." Rae stated.  

"Corpse said I could go between you and him so I went to check on him and you fucking followed me and left Lily like a psycho!" Toast responded. "I don't even know how you found me with lights off and so many doors locked. You probably vented here!" 

"That's absurd!" 

"Guys!!!!!" Jack screamed over them. "Go to Cafeteria! We will discuss this there." 

"Wait where is Corpse and Ethan?" Everyone turned and stared at me for a minute. "I'll go try to find them. Everyone just get going." 

"But Sykkuno we know you are innocent so you should stay with us," Lily tried to protest. 

"That's why I'm going if I find a body I'll give every detail I can and if I die you know it's either Corpse or Ethan. And I know Corpse won't hurt me, Lily. I'll be alright." 

Without giving her another chance to argue, I ran back down toward storage and reactor.  I searched everywhere between O2 and the lower engine, I even opened vents trying to listen if one of them was inside running. But I found nothing. Then when I entered medbay I heard a slight hum coming from the bathrooms. Terror of not knowing who it was made me act slower than I should have. The door barely pushed open and a gush of steam hit my face. Why is someone showering right now, especially Corpse or Ethan? Walking lightly so they wouldnt hear my steps, I made my way into the showers. I recognized the voice before I knew where he was, but I knew Corpse was the one in the shower. He was mumbling to himself, arguing almost. 

"That was way too risky. Cant to do that again… you wanted me to do it like that. I just did as your mind told.. you did too much. That whole place is a mess now and I'm going to get caught.. you get caught end them all right there. They can't eject what they cant catch. Just let me have all control.. No. I'm not allowing that. You'll do too much. Hurt too many. We have a partner who needs to get their shit together and help. So until he does what he needs to we aren't doing anything except staying with people. We need to stay with Sykkuno because I know our partner will take any chance to get him.. you are too attached to that one already.. Shut up!" 

I didn't realize, but I bumped the sink and made a sound which snapped Corpse back into reality evidently.  I heard his fumbling as he switched the water off and got dressed before the click of the shower door sounded and opened.  

"Oh, Sykkuno, I didn't know you were in here. Need something?" 

"Uhh where is Ethan? We needed to have a meeting and couldn't find you two." 

He was quiet for a moment trying to think himself up a lie. I can't believe I trusted him…. "He was going to wait outside for me as I showered. I haven't been in here long so he shouldn't be far." 

"Don't lie to me, Corpse," it was barely audible as the sentence left my mouth. I couldn't look him in the eye. I was petrified at the realization Corpse was playing with me. 

"Why would I lie to you, Sykkuno?" 

"Because you're an imposter.  You were just talking about loosing control and probably killing Ethan sloppily and worrying about getting caught. Then you planned on staying with me because your partner would kill me. So you and another imposter are still on the ship. You lied to me, Corpse!" His face was emotionless, but his eyes… my god did his eyes tell a different story. They were red, blood red and shining, but full of sadness and regret. I wanted to be sad, wanted to forgive what I knew and forget all of it but I couldnt not this. 

"I'm sorry, Sykkuno." Before I could react his larger body slammed me to the floor. I threw my hands up, blocking his hands from my throat. Turning my hips, I was able to throw him off long enough to run to the door. As expected from Corpse, he tackled me and gripped my shoulders, forcing me to stay down on my back. "He knows too much kill him!... no stop it…" Corpse shook his head violently. 

"Stop you're becoming a…" before the word left my mouth his lips were against mine, strong but soft. He continued to grip my shoulders, holding me tight as if I wasn't actually there. His mouth moved softly and I was drawn into mimicking his movements because of how nice it felt. After a moment he pulled away slightly and rested his head against mine. 

"Please, Sykkuno… please dont call me that… that's how I killed Ethan… I have no control when someone knows exactly what I am… I'm sorry…" He was broken. So broken all because I was going to call him a monster. His grip loosened but still stayed on my shoulders. Tentatively, my hand caressed his face, thumb running along his high cheekbones.  

"Shhh, Corpse breathe." I couldnt help but feel bad for him. His breathing was ragged, his eyes and shoulders trembled, and his demon very close. 

"Don't tell on me… please.. I wont kill anymore just please dont kill me." 

"I.." I hesitated not knowing exactly what to do. When he dropped his head low and I saw a tear drip onto my suit I knew what I had to do. "I won't tell, Corpse. But we need to go to the meeting." He jumped off of me and nodded. "Ca..can I ask something though? Two things actually?" 

He rubbed his face roughly, "yeah go ahead."

"Your eyes… they are blood red why?" 

"My imposter is very close to the surface and has lot of control I can't hold him back enough to not have it show. And after each kill the red becomes brighter because it's harder to hold them back." He closed his eyes tightly then opened them, they were much darker red, closer to a brown so he could be with the other crewmates. 

"And will you actually not hurt me… or was that just to get me to trust you?" I was afraid of his answer. 

"I'm not going to hurt you. I'd hate myself if I did. My um.. you know.. on the other hand really wants to hurt you. But I wont let it have enough control.  If I start freaking out and looking dangerous run." He paused and saw my fear. Corpse closed the distance between us and kissed me softly again, only briefly, "I'll protect you from him. From them." His smile was genuine as we walked to the meeting. God please save my soul from going to hell for helping a murderer.  I glanced at him and he gripped my hand.  But I'd do it for him… anyday…

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