Desperation Sets In

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Sykkuno POV

Finally I was back to navigation, the spot where I was used to working. Within minutes I had realigned and reworked the systems doing a backup to make sure everything was protected. I decided to be on my own for a while to think.

 Corpse is an imposter. So he lied about Scott being one. That means there are two left. Who could the other one be? 

I racked my mind with all of the evidence we had. Corpse killed Scott, that was obvious to me, but who was the person running down the hall before I went to electrical? It wasn't Corpse because the timing didn't add up. It had to be another person. Peter was killed at night, in weapons like Ethan. It was highly unlikely Corpse would kill two people in the same location. Rae was the one who found the body so she was suspicious being there. But Toast being on the move at that time of night was really weird too. Toast and Rae were just weird hanging together so much and then accusing each other so hard when the other was their alleby. 
"Don't be afraid of me, Sykkuno.  I know someone who is much more willing to slice you then I am." What could Corpse mean by that? It was a clue. "Avoid vents. That's what will kill you."  I was confused but they oddly made sense. Warnings that would help me avoid the other imposter, someone who wouldn't hesitate to kill me given the chance, both Rae and Toast. Someone who has used vents often enough to know their way around, mostly Toast but a little bit Rae. Suddenly I remembered Corpse's red eyes when his imposter was close. That's it! 

I rushed out of nav. and rushed to cams. Jack and Lilly were there chilling since they, like me, had finished up their main work in their specialty area. "Jack look at me." 

"What?" He glanced up at me, confusion furrowed his brows. 

"Let me see your eyes. I need to know what color they are." He looked up at me and sure enough there was no hint of red, not even a red brown like what Corpse's turned into when he was struggling to control. "Okay I gotta go." 

Running, I reached medbay quickly. Corpse was cleaning up the room and the medical equipment, quietly humming to himself. I knocked on the wall, announcing my presence without having to say anything. He turned slowly, already knowing it was me somehow. 

"Yes, Sykkuno?" His eyes met mine, they were completely brown and calm. Hmm. This might fuck up my whole thought process.  

"I've got a question. About um you know." He sighed heavily and typed something into his wrist computer and the doors locked. 

"What is it?" 

"Your um imposter does it always show in your eyes or can it go away?" 

"Well," he sat down, "we share eyes. They see everything we see. So when they are looking for a hunt their eyes blend with ours. Mine is currently resting and healing so he's not blending because he is not worried about a kill right now. Does that make sense?" 

"So the other imposter should have red present because they havent killed or been injured the way you have correct?" 

He was quiet again, thinking over his response.  "You're really trying to figure out who the other one is arent you?" I nodded and waited, determined to get the answer. "It kind of depends. If their imposter hasn't taken full control for a kill they have done it definitely won't be as bright of red as mine. That's why I have to try so hard to conceal mine." 

I nodded understanding then Jack screamed, "No!" Corpse quickly unlocked the doors and we ran back toward cams. There on the floor was Lily, in Jack's lap, barely breathing with a slit throat. "I'm sorry, Lily. I should not have left. Oh I'm so sorry." Tears ran down Jack's face. Lily shook her head and gently placed her bloody palm on his shoulder and then her head dropped back. 

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