The True Imposter Arises

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Corpse POV

Lily, Rae and Toast ran off almost instantly.  Ethan stood behind me, smirking. I'd wipe that smile off before I cut it off. 

"Corpse, wait." Sykkuno's soft voice stopped me from walking out of the room. "Are you sure this is the right thing to do? I.. I don't like being with someone I don't really know right now. I don't really hang with Jack much in normal circumstances let alone now." I could see the fear in his face, he was really afraid that Jack would kill him. 

"Listen, Sykkuno, I spent a lot of time with Jack and I'm still here. I don't believe he will hurt a hair on your head. And if he does try to just yell. I'll find you, I promise." I gently lifted his chin so he had to look into my eyes. He relaxed at my touch which made me smile. "Jack take care of him for me." 

"Will do, Corpse. Hey, let's head back to the reactor I need to realign some stuff to make sure nothing goes wrong and then we can hang in Cams okay?" Sykkuno nodded and quickly hugged me before rushing off with Jack. 

I was frozen. Fucking frozen from shock. He hugged me… why did he fucking hug me? I was so confused I barely noticed Ethan start circling me. 

"Well well well, Corpse. You sure are smart huh? Thinking singling us out alone will prove your innocence? Well it won't work. I know the truth." I started walking away, leading him, egging him on. "Are you even listening to me?!" He screamed and ran to catch up with me. I ran into weapons and hid in the corner, just to where he couldn't see me at first glance. " Where did you go?!" He screamed as the doors shut and locked around us. The lights went down immediately after. 

"The more important question is… where do you think you are going, Ethan?" He froze but did not turn around, he didn't dare to. "Where do you think I'll lead you, Ethan? To safety? Back to Earth to your family?" He turned slowly, I could smell his fear. The air was black, he could see nothing. I,  on the other hand, could see everything. Even Toast who was walking up from shields toward us on the other side of the door. There was no escape. I gripped his shoulders and threw him violently against the walls denting the metal. 

"U..ugh." Ethan groaned as he picked himself up, still uncertain of where I actually was. "Stay away from me you…" I cut him off by kicking his ribs and feeling one snap upon impact. Yes you fucker feel your body break! "Monster," he barely uttered the word but it was enough to trigger my imposter completely.  I had no control, my human was screaming on the inside struggling just as hard as the imposter but the rage that boiled under my skin kept the beast in control. My nails grew long, my teeth sharpened like fangs, my voice deepened even more. 

"Oh if only you could see me, Ethan. Then you'd know truly what a 'monster' looks like." My nails dug into his back and ripped at his skin. He screamed but no one would hear him and if they did they would never reach him. "Scream, Ethan! Scream and tell them who it is!" My large hand easily encased his throat and began to tighten. I gained enough control to see clearly through my human eyes but still could not control my body. His cries died in his throat as the air was blocked from his lungs. "You can't scream can you?! Can't make any sound you disgraceful human?! How's it feel to not have a voice?! He opened his mouth to attempt again but my claws sunk into his chest. A blood curdling scream pierced the air as the lights clicked on and for the first time he could see me. I slammed him down beside the vent. He reached into his back pocket, it being the first time he could see what was attacking him, and pulled out a gun. He fired but the bullet grazed past my arm, barely cutting me. He shot again and again emptying the full clip, the bullets connecting but I felt nothing. 

My human gained some control and shifted back completely into my normal form. He cowered away but I gripped his throat and held him still.  "So where do you think you are going, Ethan?" 

"I...i..I'm going to die…." he struggled out. 

"You are going straight to hell." With that I squeezed and felt his neck snap, no more sound escaped him. I chuckled darkly and threw his body into the vent. No one will find you, Ethan. Not a single soul. Quickly the doors unlocked and I rushed to the bathroom to wash the blood off of my body. 

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