"Are you afraid of me?"

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Corpse POV. 

I'm so tired of this. I'm tired of being up here. I just want to get my ass back to Earth and be myself. Not be this fake persona I am right now.  When I was chosen as an Imposter from whatever force decided I needed to murder my friends I decided I wanted to kill every last one of them. They would fear me. And that is exactly what is going to happen.

"Corpse! Will you fucking listen?!" Jack yelled mere inches from me. "I found Rae and Toast over in Admin. Let's go."  I grumbled and followed. They spoke quietly in rushed voices as they described what they had done or had seen. 

"Rae and I have been together this whole time so it's neither one of us," Toast looked up at me boldly and that's when I saw it  his once dark brown eyes shined red, dull but still there. He was my fellow imposter. I grimaced.  If i could get him thrown off the ship and be the only survivor i would be much happier with the outcome. 

"Well Jack and I have been together since I left Lilly and Sykkuno in the cafeteria. So I'll go check for them." I wanted a moment to myself to decide what I should do. They agreed I should go and so I did. Once I was far enough away I jumped into a vent. This led me into the security room and the medbay.

Slowly peaking through the gaps of the vent  my eyes landed on Sykkuno. He looked scared, horrified really. His eyes glanced back and forth between the door and the vent I was in. His body trembled and his longer chestnut brown hair slid down in front of his eyes slightly, but he never stopped looking despite this added difficulty.  Scott, Ethan, and Lily were sleeping quietly in their beds. I smirked, he was brave I'd give him that. Sitting alone guarding your friends who needed rest, it was a valiant effort to protect them. I wanted to jump out and slice his throat but as I grasped the vent to open it I hesitated. 

Is it really far to kill him like this? When he is so afraid but still so loyal to his friends that he didn't even know if he could still trust. It was so sad really. I can't kill him like this.

I popped out of the vent in security and walked the rest of the way into med bay. Once I was at the doorway I saw Sykkuno stand up, though I doubt he could see me. 

"Wh..who's there?!" He yelled. His soft voice cracking out of fear. I smiled, this is exactly what I wanted. My footsteps got louder as I stepped on the metal floor. "I.. Don't come any closer until you say who you are! I.. I'll hurt you!" His fists clenched at his sides but I still saw them tremble. 

"It's Corpse," I responded. I could still see the terror in his face. When I continued forward Sykkuno stepped back until his back was against the wall. His eyes were shaking as he stared at me. I could not help but smirk. "Are you scared of me, Sykkuno?" Absentmindedly, my hand reached up and pushed his hair from in front of his eyes. The blush that covered his cheeks was as red as roses. He nodded quietly, his eyes still locked onto mine. "Don't be afraid of me, Sykkuno.  I know someone who is much more willing to slice you then I am." My lips turned up into a smile then I went and laid down on my bed and fell asleep. 

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