The Reveal

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Sykunno POV 

It was late at night, or well what we considered late after being together out here so long, when the lights went down for the first time. I gripped the table in the cafeteria that I was sitting at simply afraid I'd fall over from the shock of it all. 

"Rae, come with me to fix the lights. Peter probably blew a breaker making dinner or something," Toast said as I heard him stand up. 

"Alright. That does sound like something Peter would do." Rae stood and the clicking of their boots sounded as they walked down the hall. 

I continued to sit and wait anxiously; I never really liked the dark. Suddenly a flash lit up my wrist, my suit flashed and a projection appeared in front of me. 

"Crewmate! Protect the other crewmates and keep the ship operational! Two imposters are here to kill you. Report bodies of fallen comrades until the imposters are ejected or killed. May God have mercy on your soul!" 

"Wh..what?" The projection disappeared just as Rae and Toast came back. At that moment I realized the lights were back and Corpse, Peter and Lilly came down from the vending machine area. 

"Anyone else get that weird message from our suits?" Lilly chirped. Everyone nodded slowly and looked around at each other. Suddenly there was an alert that communications went down and without warning Rae Toast and Peter ran toward it. Lilly squeaked and sat down very close to me. "I'm scared about all of this."

"Me too, Lilly. Here let's stay together and go check some stuff out. Corpse you can come too if you'd like." I glanced up at the taller man as I stood extending my hand to Lilly.  He simply shook his head and walked toward Weapons. I felt a chill go down my spine as Lilly took my hand. What if she's an imposter? And I'm here alone with her.  I looked back down at her innocent face and quickly decided I could trust her. 

We left the cafeteria and simply walked along together checking to make sure wires were still attached properly and making sure there was enough fuel saved up for our malicious tasks and power supplies. Down in storage there wasn't much happening or anyone else there with us. So we quietly walked together to reactor. Once there Lilly stopped abruptly.  

"Sykkuno… what are we going to do?" 

"What do you mean, Lilly? It's all gonna be alright." 

"But we haven't seen anyone! Jack didn't even come into cafeteria after we got those strange messages, Scott and Ethan already went to bed and has zero idea what is happening. Corpse is alone and vulnerable.  Rae and Toast are still gone and no sign of Peter. What can we do to stop this Sykkuno?!" I saw the tears start to prick in the corners of her eyes. "Look at us. Two overly innocent people who were abandoned and probably saved for last because it won't take much to kill us. We are going to die!" 

Quickly I hugged her tightly and ran my hand through her long brown hair. "Lilly, please breathe. Calm down. We will get through this. How about we head up to security and check out the cameras to see where everyone is. Then we can go to med and check on them. While we are there you can get some rest. Does that sound good?" She nodded sleepily.  I held her back away from me and wiped her tears away then led her up to Cams. 

Inside Cams it was dark and quiet so no one was there. I clicked on the lamp to give us some light to login to the computer. When our backs were turned I heard a slap of metal on metal and turned around quickly.  No one was there. I felt my heart in my throat, but still turned and finished my login. I stood by the door as Lilly quickly flipped through the cameras around the ship. 

"There they are. They are just outside of admin. Even Jack and Corpse are there." I looked at the monitor and sure enough there they were. 

"Well no one has died and nothing else has broken so let's go get some rest, Lilly." She nodded and led the way into the Medical ward/ bedroom. Sure enough Scott was asleep in his bed, Ethan in his, and Lilly laid down in hers. I did not like the thought of sleeping at this moment so I sat underneath the vial sampler and watched the door and the vent right across from me. I could feel my body shaking as I heard footsteps. 

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