Death To The Imposter

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Corpse's POV

There was pain, so much more pain then I could have ever thought my body could withstand. Release me! Let me out! My imposter screamed from the pain. I could feel the blood running down my skin, but movement was impossible. My insides were being clawed raw from my imposter desperately trying to escape.  LET ME OUT! IF YOU DON'T RELEASE ME I'LL SLAUGHTER YOU! He screamed and I could feel his grip tighten on my chest and throat. Oh I wish the others knew how strong I had made this imposter. They needed to know how hard this was actually going to be, but they would never know. 

Suddenly, I felt something come in contact with my chest. It was hard, cold, and blunt but so powerful. There was a snap that reached my ears and I couldn't help but scream internally. My Imposter's hold loosened upon that impact. 

Please, let me out. I want to live

No. Never. The contact came again this time harder. I felt more pain then normal. Hot copper began to flood my nostrils. The pain flared harsher than before. I realized I was beginning to wake up. My imposter was barely holding on. Oh please just get off of me. Jack please knock him out of me please! One last hit smacked against my collarbone area and I felt the connection to my imposter snap completely.  Now it was only pain. 

Screaming pain unlike any other pain I had ever felt. There was pressure along with the pain, around my calves and mid back mostly. However, there was a very light almost guiding touch on my neck. As the seconds passed I realized it was hands. Suddenly I felt unstable and like I was floating or falling. Either way it wasn't pleasant and I tried to move, to put my arm down to catch myself, but someone gripped my wrist tightly and forced my arm back into place. There was a BEEP as my body made contact with a hard surface, what I assumed to be floor. 

There was quiet for a moment. Silence if I wasn't able to hear my heart beating anxiously. Slowly the pain began to subside, leaving a light headed feel as I started to come to. My eyes felt heavy as I forced my eyelids open, seeing nothing at first. It was light and dark at the same time, overwhelming amounts of each happening simultaneously.  After a few moments the light calmed but the darkness continued to blur my vision. 

"Corpse? Corpse come on it's okay. Just wake up." Sykkuno's soft voice reached my ears, he was right beside me, closer than the actual med scan was. Another few seconds passed and my vision lightened and color came back, though the images before me were still blurry there was no mistaking Sykkuno's smile and green suit. "Start the scan and see if it's over." I rolled my head to the side to see Rae typing on the machine. Overwhelmingly bright light blinded me for a moment then I heard the machine speaking, "Name: Corpse Husband. New health status: cured imposter.  Role:med bay crew mate. Thank you for completing your scan."

As my vision finally cleared I smiled up at my remaining friends. Each one pulled me into a tight hug. 

"Landing on Earth in Ten Minutes! Prepare for landing!" 

"Not a moment too soon huh guys?" I smirked as I made it to my feet. 

"Its good to have you back, Corpse." Jack said as he walked out with Rae. 

"I'm so happy to have you back to normal, Corpse." Sykkuno hugged me even tighter than before. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged back this time. 

"Its good to be back. And thanks Sykkuno.  Without you I'd probably be dead. Let's go get prepared to land. Then we can go have some fun on Earth." 

"Sounds great!" With that he happily ran out of med bay. I smirked seeing him so happy. I definitely had a great friend in him. I may still be evil for killing so many people, but I kept those who I enjoyed the company of the most with me. And I know they will be there for me, especially after this.

~Author's Note: Hey guys this is the end of An Imposter's Choice.  I hope you enjoyed and if you have great. If there are any specific imposter pairings you would like me to write about comment it and let me know and I'll do my best. Sorry the updates were kinda odd. School took its toll. Happy reading!~

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