An Imposter's Plan

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Sykkuno POV 

This is freaking crazy! Why was a meeting called? If someone died it can't be Corpse at all. He would have killed me easily plus why would he apologize if he was the imposter? I don't know, all of this is so crazy. 

"Lily vented, I swear to God!" Ethan was yelling as soon as we reached the table. 

"That's impossible! Lily did the scan with me and came back as a crew mate. She's clear." I tried to reason. 

"No, if it's not Lily it's Jack. He has been so weird and wont stay with a group at all! But I know I saw Lily come out of a vent!" Ethan continued, dramatically banging his hands off the table. 

"No, Ethan, I was drug into the vent. Someone grabbed me while I was rerouting the energy supply so the wires would stop exploding and someone grabbed my legs and pulled me halfway into a vent. I kicked them and felt something break, like glass or something it just shattered under my foot, which made them let go and I climbed back out. Then you walked in as I was sitting on the floor." Lily explained. Obviously I believed her since I saw her scan. Corpse just stood and listened, watching Ethan closely. Jack was nodding, clearly thinking things through the best he could. Rae was rubbing her head which was weird and evidently Toast picked up on it as well. 

"What's wrong with your head, Rae? Lily kick you too hard?" 

"What?!" She screamed. "I wasn't near Lily! I was in weapons. She was in electrical. Even the vents wouldn't take me to her from that far." 

"Kinda odd you know that, Rae." He pushed harder turning everyone toward Rae almost instantly. 

"You guys fucking shoved me in them as a prank two weeks ago! Toast you literally sat on the vents trying to keep me inside them then! So if anyone has some venting obsession it's you!" 

The yelling got louder and louder, everyone screaming over everyone else. 

With zero warning Corpse slammed his hands down on the table, shocking the room to silence. "Alright listen up this is what we are going to do. We will send a clear innocent with a suspicious person, understand. Anyone who dies it should be fairly clear. You can intermingle, but do not lose your partner. Sykkuno go with Jack. Lily with Rae. I'll go with Ethan. Toast, I don't even know what to classify Toast as so either hang with me and Ethan or Lily and Rae. I'm almost positive Jack is innocent but we will leave him with the ultimate innocence and leave them be. Alright get out of here before you all go crazy again."

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