Aftermath Attention

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Corpse POV

Kill him! As soon as we reach that meeting he is going to throw you out the airlock… No he wont. I trust him… Fucking Fool! 

I couldnt stay focused on much of what was happening I had to fight my imposter so much. The scent of blood was driving me crazy, but it wasn't even Ethan's spilled blood, it was Sykkuno's.  I could smell the hot liquid rushing through his body making me yearn to just slice him open. 

You know you'll have to feed on someone you dumb ass… You didn't tell me that… That's how I heal. And that last one shot me five times. I need blood,  that's why you can smell it… Later. 

"Hey he found Corpse!" Jack shouted. Rae looked pissed and Toast was anxious.  "Dude the weapon room is all kinds of fucked up. The walls are dented and blood everywhere. Did you see anything, Corpse?"

"Nah, Ethan and I went to med shortly after you and Sykkuno headed that way. I wanted a shower so he said he'd wait in med for me. But then Sykkuno showed up after a bit and said he was missing so I don't really know what happened." 

"We should have seen Ethan leave med tho right, Sykkuno? Unless he left the second Corpse got in." 

"It's Toast.  I'm telling you. That's where he ran to while lights were down. The doors locked and he had plenty of time to do it." 

"Rae I've been with you so much how could it be me?!" 

"I do think it's Toast too." Lily quietly said. 

"I'm just lost really guys. So whatever you think we should do." Sykkuno muttered and walked back to Medbay. 

"Im still not sure we have enough evidence," I tried to cover. 

"So we have two for Toast, two that don't know. One for Rae. I guess we just leave it til morning." Jack ended the meeting and Toast grabbed my shoulder dragging me toward the trash. 

"What the hell was that?!" He whisper yelled. 

"I dont know what you are talking about." 

"I know what you did, Corpse. That was risky as fuck." 

"Well how about you do something risky and get the heat off of me." 

"No one suspects you!" 

"That's not true dumbass; they just aren't saying it. Plus my other side needs to heal so I'm out of commission for a little while."

"What do you mean?" 

I growled and my eyes lit up like fire in front of him, my voice changing again, "I'm not in control and I'm wounded you fucking idiot.  Now make yourself useful like a good boy and break a neck!" My eyes dulled and Toast backed away. 

"Fine," he left. 

My breath shook as I inhaled deeply, my chest and shoulders shaking. We need to get some blood. It will help… Oh so food is your answer. So you can get strong enough to overpower me since I haven't eaten either? And you'll probably kill whoever I take blood from… I don't have to kill them but I have to have blood or I will forcibly take yours… I sighed and glanced around. It would have to be Sykunno's blood. The others would rat me out… then go explain to him… I gave in to his commands, though probably too quickly. 

The whole ship was quiet with nightly anxiety. Only Sykkuno, Lily and myself slept in Medbay anymore so this was the best chance I had. Lily was sitting up and watching me as I walked in. Her eyes were harsh, something unusual for her. 

"Hey, Corpse?" 


"What are you doing with Sykkuno?" 

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