An Imposter Falls

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Corpse POV 

Kill this fucker! Let me do it!... Toast's imposter snarled and snapped onto Sykkuno as he ran. Suddenly his imposter broke his restraints and completely changed his body. The force of the change knocked me back across the room and caused me to crack my head against the wall. The force almost knocked me unconscious but I was coherent enough to feel the blood trickle down my neck from the back of my head. 

"Corpse!" Jack yelled, shaking my body lightly, bringing me  back into the world of the living. "We have to protect Sykkuno." 

"Obviously." My imposter growled at him, defensive and frightened. 

"We sent him to the reactor. Rae ran to weapons to get a weapon to kill Toast." 

"I'm your weapon. Help me find him and get Sykkuno away then I'll kill him." It was odd having my imposter so prepared to slaughter his partner but the words just flowed and he hummed in agreement. 

"Let's go then tough guy." Jack guided me to my feet then led me toward the reactor.

 I could hear Toast violently clawing walls and growling mumbling to himself, "Where is he?!" The screech of his nails biting into the metal walls and his voice changing pitch so roughly made my anxiety go way too high to be level headed. He was going to destroy Sykkuno if I did not get there in time. 

"Here. He should be here. I'm going to try to find Rae," Jack placed a solemn hand on my shoulders, shaking me lightly, "Keep him alive, Corpse. Do the right thing." Before I could respond he bolted away.

 The thuds of Toast's footsteps got louder quickly. My breath shook as I brought my imposter very close to the surface but not letting him out. We will slaughter him if he tries to get to Sykkuno correct? He whispered to mestwf. Yes, he will not kill Sykkuno. A soft delicate sound reached my ears and I turned sharply. There was innocent Sykkuno, hiding behind the actual reactor. "What are you doing?" I whispered, turning my back to him. 

"Hiding obviously." There was a loud crunch as the lights went down. Sykkuno squeaked and hid deeper. 

"Corpse! I can smell your fear! Where is he?!" A few seconds later Toast charged into the room. I refused to give any hint on where Sykkuno was so I stayed stone still only watching him. "Corpse just give him up. He will never protect you the way you are him. He would never allow an imposter, especially you, to stay here on the ship even if you managed to kill me. They all know what you are. You are a monster, Corpse, and you always will be now!" 

Let me out… no that's what he wants… I'm going to trick him. Let me out. I promise I have a plan… fine just be careful… I gave up control and my imposter fused into my body so my nails were long and sharp, my teeth were more pointed like fangs, and my senses were elite. I could smell Sykkuno, there was no hiding that angelic scent. 

"Sykkuno, come here." There was hesitation. What are you doing?! I screamed at him. There was no response. Oh my god no. Don't come near me, Sykkuno. No no no. I thrashed inside my own body. Even years with anxiety and depression had never left me this helpless. I saw Sykkuno come out of hiding and walk slowly toward me. I began to sob, screaming louder, No you betrayed me! I did everything you asked! You promised you'd save him! I could feel the tears running down my face but my imposter was calm. "You've been a good boy, Sykkuno. It's a shame that will have to end." Suddenly I felt my imposter move and there was blood, so much of it. My knees felt weak and I collapsed right there. How could you?! The fear in Sykkuno's eyes wasn't even what hurt me the most. It was the  sadness. I had promised I wouldn't hurt him and I had just destroyed him. My hand felt hot and sticky as the blood trickled down the sleeve and up my arm. Toast began to laugh and walked away. My imposter let go of Sykkuno and he fell to the ground, barely breathing. You monster you fucking monster! I got down on my knees, my face very close to his. "Sorry about this." My imposter muttered. He then latched onto Sykkuno's throat, teeth biting deep. I was utterly helpless. It was as if I was locked away deep inside where I could never be heard again. Slowly his body stopped moving and a soft whimpering moan escaped his lips. He's dying. He's almost dead. You killed the one person I actually care about here. I curled up wanting to cry and hide forever. No I didn't. How about you stop hiding now. He forced me back into control and there laying across my lap was a breathing heavily Sykkuno. The wounds in his chest and neck were pulling together and healing. 

"You scared me for a minute there." He chuckled. "I thought you were gonna kill me." 

"I thought he was too. Oh I'm so sorry, Sykkuno. I almost killed you." The tear that ran down my face was involuntary. “Let’s get you out of here now. He will be after Jack since he believes you are dead.” I picked up Sykkuno’s lighter body and carried him into the med bay. As I laid him down he gently ran his hand across my cheek, his soft fingers wiping the tears that lingered. 

“I’ll be alright, Corpse. You saved me from Toast.” 

“No, I almost killed you. I did kill you. I just brought you back. I should not be near you without you freaking out because I literally ripped your chest open.” There was pain in the back of my head, sharp and sudden. The force of impact actually brought me to my knees, rattling me from how vulnerable I already was from this fucking mess with my imposter. Get up and fight! I growled, but stayed on my knees, quite literally giving in to whoever this was. 

“Sykkuno are you okay?” Rae asked as she hit me again, knocking me onto my ass and away from him. 

“Rae, chill out it's fine stop hitting Corpse.” 

“He just said he almost killed you!”

“He saved me damn it.” Sykkuno swung his legs off the bed and tried to stand but I knew it was way too soon for him to be on his feet. As he went to fall I moved decisively and caught him. “See.” 

“Oh he saved you did he?” Toast’s voice was right beside us. I threw Sykkuno into the entrance of the medbay and the second Toast stood to exit the vent, I tackled him to the ground. I smelled the blood of the vent cutting his back as my body slammed into him. My hands wrapped around his throat as I forced him out of the vent, throwing him violently into the corner, his head cracking against the metal walls. 

In defence his imposter took control and lashed out trying to cut my throat. My senses were so heightened in this moment from both fury and determination to protect myself and Sykkuno I reached out and caught his hand. “You can’t beat me, Corpse. Not without your imposter.” He growled and bared his teeth. 

“That’s where you are wrong.” the sentence barely escaped my lips before I lunged forward, grabbing both of his wrists, and pinning him to the wall. I smirked as he began to kick, his imposter unable to break my hold. I transferred both of his wrists into one of my hands, keeping so much pressure on them I could hear the bones straining. My other hand slid up to grasp his throat, not squeezing yet. “Unlike you I can, have, and will kill without the aid of my imposter. I do not need the extra power." My grip began to close around his throat, making him thrash and lash out even harder. 

"Where's Sykkuno?" Jack yelled then skidded to a stop when he saw the scene in front of him.  

" You only killed two people! Neither one using your imposter. Then you have the audacity to threaten me and my imposter. Who has been part of each of my kills. Who I have become fluent with. Who I control. You think your imposter can win against me? Well that doesn't seem to be working, Toast." My hand tightened more and the veins began to show from the added pressure. This is crazy; let go of him. I ignored him. He had disregarded my wishes with Sykkuno so I would do the same. "You thought I would do all the work didn't you? Slaughtering them all and letting you keep your hands clean after your first measly kill on the first night?! Just because you think you are in charge around here does not make you untouchable! Being and Imposter does not make you untouchable!" My hand began to ache from how tightly it was wrapped around his throat. You're really going to kill him!? I growled as I let go of Toast's wrists, wrapping my second hand around his throat and pinning him to the floor, "Yes I will kill him especially after the stunt you pulled with Sykkuno. I'll find a way to destroy you too! I won't live like this." It all became clear that the imposters were a mental attachment. If I could sever the connection I might have a chance at surviving myself. Toast's gurgles began to die down as I squeezed one more time and didn't release the pressure. "I won't tolerate this any longer. Stop holding out!" Finally I saw his eyes dim and his body went limp. My grip released, my whole body trembling from the amount of force it took to kill him and from the nerves that had snapped in releasing all of my frustration. You can't control me… oh yes I can. You're time is waning my killer comrade...

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