Awkward Alone Time

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Corpse POV

Toast No! Don't leave me with him, I'm not in control right now! My stomach and chest heaved almost making me want to vomit. 

Sykkuno looked at Toast for a long time then turned back to me,"Let's get you to med Bay and take care of that stab." He carefully helped me stand then walk back to my bed in Med. I laid back and groaned as my chest ached. 

I cant believe Scott almost killed me. I thought he would have been easy to murder but I was so wrong. When he ripped the knife out of his stomach and sunk it into my chest there was nothing in his eyes, no emotion. I wonder if that's what people see looking at me… 

I was kicked back into reality when Sykkuno unzipped my suit and gently took my arms out of it."What are you doing?" I couldn't stop my wavering voice because I felt the imposter side of me grow stronger, ready for the hunt again. 

When the knife plunged into my chest my human self screamed out for help, but something else, an alien side almost, screamed in rage and took over my body. I slammed Scott into the floor and dug the knife hilt deep at least eight times. His gurgles of life only enraged my pain further until he finally stopped breathing, leaving me heaving and throbbing from the pain until I collapsed.  

"I need to help you clean and wrap this up. If we dont you could bleed out." His soft voice explained as his hands traced the "Amnesia" logo on my shirt underneath.  "I didn't know you liked to play games. What's it about?" He asked quietly referring to my shirt.  

"It's a horror game. I doubt you'd want to play something as bad as it. You're being hunted by monsters the whole time." 

"If I survive this I'll have real life experience," he chuckled and I couldn't help but laugh. This made him blush deeply. "I..uh.. what all do I need to take care of this wound?" Ahh such an innocent boy. 

"Peroxide is in the drawer, salve is too, cloth and elastic bandages are in the top cabinet. And restraints are in the locked drawer, here is my key." He looked at me hesitantly.  

"Why would I need restraints?"

"Just trust me. It will be safer for you." He simply nodded and got the items returning to my bedside. "Put the restraints around my wrists and forearms and chain them through the metal headboard bars. Keep them tight." I saw the hesitant look and the tremble of his hands as he locked them around my arms. "I'll be alright, Sykkuno." He nodded slowly and tightened them to where I couldn't move, I tried. My arms were entwined in the metal headboard and then chained so tightly to the legs of the bed I couldn't even shift my arms an inch. He's doing good so far. God I need to get in control or I'm going to do something I regret. 

"Now clean it?" I nodded and shifted my weight some, this was going to be the first time someone saw under my clothes and it made me anxious. Very gently and slowly Sykkuno lifted my shirt up to where he had an unobstructed view of the wound. His breath hitched slightly and I knew it wasn't from the ghastly sight of the stab, it was from my build.  My mostly toned chest was where his eyes were focused. Seeming to realize I knew where he was looking, he began to pour the peroxide in and on the stab. I bit my lip hard, tasting blood almost immediately, though it was not from my lip. Instead it was from my imposter instantly reacting. 

"Step back, Sykkuno." It was a command he quickly followed. My imposter side rose to the surface quickly and violently to protect myself from the pain. It struggled harshly, yanking and thrashing against the cuffs that kept me bound. It scratched my insides and clawed at my mouth trying to lash out at who caused me pain but I wouldn't let it out. Finally the pain numbed and it settled back down. My chest heaved just like before when Sykkuno came in and found me. "I.its okay now." 

Slowly he came to me and placed his hand on my chest. "What happened?" His eyes searched mine for something,  fear, pain, some kind of emotions and I had no idea if he found it. 

"I just have a bad reaction to pain." I could tell he wanted more explanation but it was hard to do so without exposing myself. Timidly he rinsed the peroxide and coated the wound in the salve. His hand came away bloody and he trembled slightly. 

"Does it still hurt?" He whispered softly. 

I shook my head, "No, not as badly as before. Just wrap it tightly and the blood will stop." He held the cloth wrapping tight to the wound and began unwinding the elastic and guiding it around my chest, I arched my back making it easier for him to reach underneath me. My eyes snapped to the door at the sound of foot falls. Ethan stood there watching. 

This fucking twink is going to be my next kill if he doesn't stay the fuck away from me. I'll make it slow too. Make sure he knows his mistake of singling me out. 

"Everything okay, Sykkuno? We thought you'd be done by now." 

"Everything is alright. Just had a couple unseen complications that we had to adjust for. I'll be done in a few minutes. Where's Lily?" 

"She's with Jack. Last I saw over in lights helping clean up Corpse's mess." I growled without realizing. "Just be careful around him, I don't trust him," with that he walked away. 

Just wait, Ethan. When the right time is here you'll be gone. 

"Alright Corpse I think that's tied off good enough. Can I untie you now?" I nodded lightly and remained still until the restraints fell away. "I hope you'll be alright Corpse. I really like having you around. You're a cool guy." 

"Thanks Sykkuno I appreciate that." I sat up and zipped my suit back up then lifted my eyes to examine his face. He looked scared, but calm. He really did trust me didn't he? Or was he too afraid not to trust me? Poor boy. I know the feeling. Maybe I can help calm him and have him as an alibi. I looked at him and gently lifted his face so he looked at me too. I shouldn't scare him the way I do. It's cruel. Some of the others deserve it but he's always been so kind and compassionate. "I'm sorry about the first night, Sykkuno. It was all a play trying to make everyone avoid me so I would be safe. It was cruel to scare you when you were so vulnerable." 

I saw the smile and relief seep through his expression, "It's alright. Everyone has their own ways to survive. But you know you can trust me now," I can trust you too much that's the problem. You're going to make me weak. "So you don't need to be afraid of being with me or Lily. Who do you think is the imposter, Corpse." I looked down away from his eyes. How am I going to get out of this one? "Be honest Corpse." 

"I'm not sure. Toast and Rae are staying close which is weird. And Ethan is really focused on me so I feel like he wants me dead for killing his partner." He nodded, understanding. 

"Stay with me, Corpse. No one will hurt you. I'll make sure of it." Immediately there was a meeting called. We slowly walked to the cafeteria side by side, it felt good being beside Sykkuno and from the look of it he felt safe. You'll survive this Sykkuno. I will keep Toast away from you no matter what. Why am I becoming so possessive?! Damn it. I have to get in control or else I'm dead. 

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