Chapter 3: Reuniting With The Mandalorian

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Two months had passed by. Faven and I stayed with the Ugnaught, named Kuiil. Faven helped out on his moisture farm and with his blurrg. I helped out as well for a few weeks, but then I spoke to Kuiil. I needed to leave to do some things, which Faven didn't like one bit. But I assured her that I was no longer smuggling, but needed to go out.

What I didn't tell her was that I had gathered a group of pirates, to take down other pirates who had ties to the Empire and to slavers. I quickly became known throughout the galaxy as the Raider Reaper or the Mirage Marauder. I know my uncle wouldn't approve of what I was doing, but I was a pirate. I had pirate's blood in me, it's what my mother was before she was killed. I was now heading back to Arvala-7 on my Outrider. Once I landed the ship outside the farm, I climbed out to see Faven running towards me.  

"Mom!" She exclaimed. 

"Hey, sweetheart." I greeted, extending out my arms.

Faven immediately hugged me. Once we pulled away from the hug, Faven spoke up. "Mom, you'll never guess who's here."

I furrowed my brows. "Kuiil's got company?" 

Faven nodded vigorously. "You should see it for yourself."

I was taken back by her words. Who could be in Kuiil's home who Faven and I knew? Curiosity getting the better of me, I walked towards the home. Once I was inside Kuiil's home, I saw a Mandalorian sitting on a chair. There was a lantern that hung beside him. But it wasn't just any Mandalorian, it was the Mandalorian that found me on Batuu. 

I clenched my fists, storming over towards him. It was thanks to him that Faven and I had to leave our home behind and start a new life. I don't know nor do I care why he's here. All I want is for him to leave this place at once.

"What in the blue blazes are you doing here?!" I snapped.

I could sense the Mandalorian was just as baffled to see me here. He shot up from seat. "The Ugnaught offered to help me."

"No, absolutely not." I shot back before whipping around to face Kuiil, who stood by a desk filled with his tools. "He's not staying here."

"I'm taking him to the encampment tomorrow. Until then, he needs a place to stay." Kuiil explained. 

"But-" I began. 

"I have spoken." Kuiil said, cutting me off. 

I slumped in my shoulders in defeat. I glanced back at the Mandalorian, who sat right back down. I glaring at him. This isn't over. Kuiil then walked over towards the Mandalorian, sitting down across from him, while Faven and I stood in front of them. 

"What's your cut?" The Mandalorian asked. 

"Half." Kuiil replied. 

"Half the bounty to guide? Seems steep." The Mandalorian retorted. 

"No. Half of the blurrg you helped capture." Kuiil corrected. 

"The blurrg?" The Mandalorian repeated, sounding baffled. "You can keep them both." 

"No. You will need one. To ride. The way is impossible to pass without a blurrg mount." Kuiil explained. 

The Mandalorian scoffed. "I don't know how to ride a blurrg."

"I have spoken." Kuiil rebuked, ending the discussion.

"I'll get the Chushnip." Faven offered. 

Kuiil gave her a smile along with a nod. Faven then walked towards the kitchen to grab the Chushnip. I was rather surprised. Since when did Faven know how to cook? 

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