Chapter 5: The Jawas

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As the sun rose higher in the sky, we continued walking in silence until Mando spoke up. "Are you all right?"

I was taken back by his question. I wasn't expecting him to ask me that. I tried to brush the question as I let out a scoff. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"You said you had a nightmare." Mando pointed out. "You fine?"

He was listening to my conversation with the child. I was surprised that he was listening. I didn't think he'd be listening. I glanced up at Mando, his helmet turned in my direction to face me. Upon seeing his helmet, I thought back to my memory, remembering that Mandalorian who went after on Nar Shaddaa. I forced a smile. "Never better."

And fortunately, he said nothing else of the matter, letting it go. Once we reached a small cliff, we saw a huge Sandcrawler with Jawas outside at the bottom of the cliff, surrounding a gunship looking like it was Pre-Empire. No doubt this was the Razor Crest. I've heard stories of this ship and the owner of the ship, which was bounty hunter who happened to be a Mandalorian, never failing to bring into a bounty. I quickly realized that Mando was the bounty hunter I had heard of. I grimaced watching as the Jawas took apart pieces from the ship.

"I'd hate to be the owner of that ship." I mentioned, knowing very well that this was Mando's ship.

"That's my ship." Mando retorted.

"I figured, tin man." I shot back.

I watched as Mando tensed up, muttering something under his breath. He crouched down, taking out his telescope, inspecting the Jawas. He then grabbed his rifle from his back before raising, pointing towards the Jawas. He fired, incinerating a few of the Jawas. I grimaced, watching as he killed innocent people. I mean sure they took the parts of his ship, but killing them definitely wasn't the answer. There was another way...

We watched as the Jawas ran back into their ship. Once they were in their Sandcrawler, they took off. Mando quickly climbed up on his feet, rushing after the Sandcrawler. The child and I trailed behind him. Mando aimed at the rear engine of the Sandcrawler, slowing down the vehicle. No doubt he planned on climbing aboard.

"I don't think this is a good idea." I warned.

"They stole my parts to my ship. And I'm gonna get them back." Mando argued.

I shook my head. He's gonna get hurt...not that I cared, I just wanted to get back to Kuiil's as soon as possible. I watched as Mando ran onto the Sandcrawler before climbing up, throwing a few Jawas out of vehicle. Once he reached the top, many Jawas aimed ion blasters at him, causing him to fall back onto the ground. I winced. That looked like it hurt. As the Sandcrawler got away, I rushed over towards Mando with the child by my side. Mando looked like he was out cold, not moving a single muscle. I let out a sigh.

"I told you this wasn't a good idea, tin man. Now look at you." I mentioned, despite knowing he couldn't hear me.

I glanced over at the child, who was still sitting in his pram. I then looked back at Mando, who still lied on the ground. A fleeting thought emerged in my mind, thinking of grabbing the child and leaving the Mandalorian here alone. But as I stared at Mando, I could feel his pain and anger, radiating off. I felt conflicted, unsure if I should leave. I felt a pang of guilt. I couldn't just leave Mando here, it wasn't right. I let out a groan.

With this in mind, I placed a hand on Mando's helmet. I reached out to the Force, waking him up. In a matter of seconds, Mando was awake. He let out a grunt, sitting up. I immediately lowered my hand to my side. His helmet turned towards me.

"Why'd you stay? You could've taken off with the child?" He asked, tilting his helmet.

To be honest, I wasn't sure why I hadn't taken off with the child. But I said the first thing that was on my mind.

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