Chapter 4: Retrieving The Bounty

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"I require an answer if I am to proceed-" IG-11 began.

His words were cut off as a blast hit him. IG immediately whipped around, searching for who shot the blast as he shouted out. "Oh no! Alert! Alert! Alert!"

We then saw two of the Nikto on the top of one of the buildings. Mando and I took out our blasters from our holsters, taking down both of them in a heartbeat. Several more of them appeared from different doors. As we made our way closer to the main blast door, IG-11, Mando, and I took down the emerging Nikto that approached us through every way possible. However, there were too many of them, so we hid behind a broken cart. We continued to fire our blasters, hitting as many mercenaries before ducking under the cart to protect us from the heavy laserfire. 

"He's in there!" Mando exclaimed, raising the tracking fob towards the main blast door.

"Affirmative!" IG-11 agreed.  

We fired some more blasts, hitting a few more, before running towards the arch wall right in front of the main blast door. Once we were hiding behind the arch, Mando and I peaked over the edge before firing some more blasts, taking down a few more of the Nikto. However, more mercenaries began to emerge out of nowhere. I mentally groaned. Just how many of them were there? 

"It appears we're trapped." IG-11 mentioned. "I will initiate self-destruct sequencing."

My golden eyes widened in horror. "What?!" 

Mando was also baffled as he shouted. "Whoa, your what?!"

We both looked over at IG-11 who prepared a bomb that lied in his chest. He's definitely not kidding. But it's not like that assassin droids joke around anyways, so I should've known he was serious.

"Manufacturers Protocol dictates I cannot be captured." IG-11 explained. "I must self destruct."

"Do no self destruct." Mando urged.

"Well, what're we gonna do now?" I inquired.

"Cover me." Mando advised.

He then ran towards the blast door. IG-11 and I fired our blasters, protecting Mando as he tried to open the door by messing with the wires in control panel. However, his attempts were cut short as a laser headed in his direction, nearly hitting his hands. 

"Go! Go! Go! There's too many!" Mando exclaimed, running away from the door. 

He then hid on the other side of the arch, standing next to the droid. I took in a deep breath, pondering my options as IG-11 and Mando kept firing a few blasts every now and then.

"They got us pinned!" Mando shouted.

If the odds are truly against us, I should use my lightsaber, but I could expose myself by just revealing my lightsaber. I knew the Empire was gone, but there were still many enemies of the Jedi. And it was an old habit that I fell into. But just in case, I will not reveal myself. I don't trust the Mandalorian. 

I don't trust any Mandalorians nor do I like them. At that moment, I sensed something was happening as they stopped firing. I peaked over the edge to see a Nikto behind a giant laser cannon. I grimaced. We're doomed.

"I will initiate self-destruct." IG-11 informed us.

"Do not self-destruct!" Mando ordered. "We're shooting our way out!"

Mando, IG-11, and I stormed out of our hiding spot to see the laser cannon. I could tell Mando was taken back by the way he tensed up. 

"Okay..." Mando trailed off.

We quickly hid back behind the wall as the laser cannon was fired, slowly destroying our hiding spots. I glanced over at Mando. "You got a new plan?"

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