{ Prolouge }

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[A/N]  First of all thank you for reading I appreciate this :) English is not my main language that's why the grammar isn't the best. This is my first fanfiction so the first few chapters are really short and definitely not the best ones but after chapter 4? they getting longer and I think they're better than the first few.
Send me your feedback in the comments and vote for the chapters if you like them
Have fun while reading it :)
love and stay safe
xM <3
Louis POV.

"Oiii Liam" I run to the boy that walked through the door and hug him. "I haven't seen you in a while. how are you doing mate?". He returned the hug and walked to his seat.

After he sat down he looked up "Yes I'm doing well. Maya and I are still happy and our puppy getting bigger and bigger I can't believe he's a year old"

I remembered when he calls me 2 in the morning and ask me panicked what he should buy Maya for Christmas.

Honestly it was the first thing that come to my mind when he asked for a gift and I was surprised that he told me that he and his girlfriend always want to buy a dog in a while.

We talked about this or that when Zayn and Niall walked in. Zayn said something funny and Niall started to laugh.

Oh man how much i missed my buddies.

Liam stood up and walked to our best friends and put them in one of his big hugs. I slowly walked to the boys and hugged niall too. Then I turned to Zayn. We haven't spoken since these things happened. "Mate, I'm sorry. I wanted to ta-" I hadn't finished my sentence when Zayn hugged me and told me that he's sorry too. He want to inform me about so many things that happened the last few years since he's left the band. I laughed and we walked to our seats.

One seat was still free. The seat next to me.

I'm getting more and more nervous. there are only 2 Minutes until the meeting is starting.

Just a second later when I turned to my lads, the door opened. There he stood. In a simple black wide open shirt. His green eyes catching my blues and I forgetting the world around me.

It wasn't until Niall called out "Harrreeehh", jumped up and ran to him, I realised where I was.

Liam hit my arm "Ouch what was that for?" I asked indignant but he just smiled and walked to Harry too. I joined them and ran to the youngest member.

I was the last person who hugged him. "I missed you Haz" I whispered in his curls. Harry giggles a little bit "Lou the last time we saw is was 2 hours ago"
"I know but it's too long for me". I looked him deep in the eyes.

I don't know how long we stand in this position but when a man rushed behind us we drove apart. Both of us knows who he is without looking at him.

Harrys eyes getting cold and a he stepped in front of me "Simon, nice to see ya. We missed you a lot". I looked at Niall's and saw that he was trying to hide his laughter because harrys words were very sarcastic.

I smiled.

I was holding Harry on the shoulder and we went to our chairs together.

There walked more business people in our room and the meeting started. Simon spoke at first.
"Maybe you're wondering why we get you all together. But we thought it would be nice to get the group back together. It's been nearly 6 years and the fans missed you a lot and as you can see Zayn would be back too. If you want you can perform 3 more concerts and then you start write the new album. You can choose on your own in which way you would tell your fans that you're you're back again. I prefer the Instagram and Twitter way. but you can choose."

We all knew that we can't choose. Maybe he said that we could but we can't.

"We need to think about this first. We can talk next week" Liam answered and looked him straight in the eyes.

Simon nodded and walked out of the room, all the business men following him.

"He looks a little bit like Voldemort with his Death Eaters from Harry Potter. " said Zayn out of nowhere.

Niall was the first one who started to laugh. it does not last long and we sat on the chairs and had tears in our eyes because we laughed so hard.

"Stop- stop guys I- I can't my stomach hurts" I tried to stop to laugh but we had to laugh even more.

If somebody could see us now, they wouldn't think a second that we're the biggest band in the world.

"Guys i missed you so much" I heard Harry's voice and started to smile.

His voice sounds like an angel voice.

"What are we doing now? I stand for some boys time. Any ideas where we do it ?" I asked the other lads and looked to each of them. "Maybe-maybe, just if you want of cause, we can go camping like in the old good times. We had a lot of fun didn't we?" We all agreed with liams idea.

We get up hugged us one last time and going our own ways.

//831 words
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a/n sorry guys it's me again today is the 10th march 2021 and i started the fanfic two month? ago and my writing skills are definitely not good for the few chapters as I mentioned before. I will edit them when I finished the fanfic but at the moment I'm too busy with school and just my problems and all so i don't have time for it.
I would say skip the first 4/5 chapters but they are important for the storyline so don't be mad about my skills and you will see it will be better later.
I'm learning it and I'm only 16 plus my first fanfic😂

stay safe and thank you for reading :)
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