{ Chapter 31 }

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Harry POV

When I tried to grab my phone on the little desk next to my bed I couldn't find it so I opened my eyes a little more and the bright light hurts bad. Loudly I groaned and closed them immediately.

I heard how the door was opened and someone walked into my room. The sounds of the steps were familiar but I wasn't sure who it was.

I could feel how someone sat down beside me and I opened careful one eye and recognised my older sister. Her brown eyes were full of worry and she had dark circles after I saw this I opened my second eye and tried to stop the sunlight to shine directly into my eyes with my hands.

"Gems what are you doing here ? Since when are you here ?" I asked her and my throat was incredibly dry and I started to cough hardly. Tears starting to fill my eyes and Gemma gave me a glass of water what I gladly accepted.

"You don't remember?" Her voice was serious and I raised my eyebrows in confusion. I tried to sat up but my head throbbed painfully groaning I laid down again and slowly massaged my temples.

"What's the last thing you remember?" She asked me and I was even more confused after I felt better I sat up slower and supported my back on the wall behind me.

"Louis and I had an argument and he run away. We both said things we didn't mean and after that I grabbed an alcohol bottle to distract myself from the pain and I made myself a pizza. That's the last thing I know- why, did something happen ?" I told her the last thing I remembered and looked up to her questionably.

Speechless she shook her head and stood up from my bed. She run with her hand through the long braun hair and took a few deep breaths.

"Harry that was two days ago. I arrived a few hours after you told me that we are going to Kendall's party which is actually today and I asked you why and I was worried because you haven't answered anymore. When I walked through the door the complete house was a mess and everywhere laying broken picture from the walls and empty alcohol bottles laying around. I found you on the couch you were just drunk I thought but after you stood up I saw a line of drugs and I doesn't looked like it was you first. Harry I found you when you were completely drunk and high and you slept two days" She stopped talking and I could see how she's fighting against the tears.


I feel so incredibly guilty.

"Gems I - I am so so sorry" I stood up ignoring the pain in my head. I was about to hug her when I felt sick and I run into the bathroom to throw up. I don't know how long I kneeled in front of the toilet but after that I felt better.

When I turned around I saw that Gemma stood there and she covered her mouth with her hand while tears running down her cheeks. I walked to her and hugged her.

The first minutes she just stood there not reacting to the contact between us but when I didn't let her go she wrapped her arms around me and pressed her face in my chest. The whole stress over the last day she had because of me breaking out all of sudden. I hold her tight while her body was shaking and hot tears making my t-shirt wet but I didn't care.

"You are such an idiot Harry I was scared that you are stop breathing. Sometimes I sat beside your bed just to take care that you are still alive. I thought I would loose you" Gemma explained quietly and I can't imagine all the stuff she has been going through because of me.

I pulled her away to look down in her tired eyes "You go to sleep now. I'll take a shower and clean the house we don't need to go to the party okay? It's okay" I offered her and she smiled a little bit.

With my thumbs I wiped her tears away and hugged her one last time before I shooed her out of the room to take a shower.

"Harry?" Gemma stopped in the door and I turned around to look at her. "I want to go to the party if that's okay for you. It's only 8:00 am and the party starts at 9 pm so we have enough time for everything" she said her wish and I agreed it was at least one thing I could do to show her how sorry I am.

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