{ Chapter 28 }

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Harry POV

Louis was coming over in a few hours and we wanted to enjoy the days off that Simon had given us. I had already put everything away because I wanted to cook for both of us. I was just sorting everything out and tidying up again when my mobile rang.

"Hey Gems, how are you?" I greeted my sister and was pleased to hear her voice. "Fine, and you?" she replied and I frowned slightly at the question. "Fine" I answered hesitantly and it was clear to me that my sister didn't believe me. "Why I called was to ask when the party was on the 3rd and what I should wear" Gemma didn't react on my answer but got straight to the point.

I hit my head with my hand "Shit sorry Gems I forgot to tell you that Simon gave us a few days off and Lou is coming over and we want to spend the time together". I informed her and apologised for forgetting to inform her. "Oh too bad I was looking forward to it but I'm happy for you and Louis that you can finally spend time together again." She sounded happy, but also a bit sad. "Sorry Gems, we'll make up for it, I promise, and it won't be her last party," I tried to cheer her up. "Yes, you're right. Have fun and say hello to Louis for me" she agreed. "I promise" I said and before I was about to say goodbye she interrupted me again.

"Harry you have to talk to Louis and I hope you can sleep better than the last few weeks. Did you tell him about the party?" she asked me and I just rolled my eyes. "Yes I might will and no I didn't because I'm not going but anyway see you Gemma love you" I said and she said the same.

Sighing, I put my phone away and turned around smiling as I heard the door open.


My smile disappeared when I saw his serious and sad expression. I knew immediately that something had happened and we could forget our days off.

"What happened?" I asked nervously, my hands wet with cold sweat. He cleared his throat and stepped from one foot to the other. Louis knew how much I was looking forward to our time together and so was he.

"I have to go to St Ives with Eleanor," he said quietly, looking down at his feet. Angrily, I hit the tabletop next to me. Louis jumped to the side, startled, and looked at me in horror. Normally I was the person who reacted calmly and didn't have such outbursts. "That asshole can't do that," I shouted and turned around in a rage.

"Harry love calm down" Louis tried to calm me down, startled, but I just looked at him. My green eyes were filled with anger and that was the only thing I felt now. I could see how I was hurting Louis but I couldn't think straight.

"Harry, don't yell at me, okay, I think it sucks too, but it's not my fucking fault. Now calm the fuck down" Louis shouted back and took a few steps towards me until he touched my arm. His physical contact calmed me immediately and I threw myself into his arms. Taken by surprise, he held me tightly but stumbled back a few steps.

"I'm sorry," I murmured into his neck and he stroked my back soothingly. "It's all right, Haz, I just don't like it when you yell at me like that," he replied and gave me a kiss. "When do you have to leave?" I ran to the fridge and took out a cold cola and another one for Louis, which I immediately held out to him. "I a few hours" was his answer.

We walked to the table and sat down on the chairs. I sadly played with the bottle in my hand and stared at the table decoration. "So early I thought we had at least one more night."

Louis took a sip of his Coke and turned his bottle back and forth in his hands. "I didn't know until an hour ago and then I went straight to your place to tell you" He took a few deep breaths and put his head in his hands. "Eleanor is packing up and taking the dogs for another walk" he continued and I pressed my lips together when he said her name.

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