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Lewis Capaldi wife in labour hc

▪️Firstly I have a feeling you'd be overdue and Lewis used this as an excuse to order for curry pretty much every meal

▪️Braxton Hicks would scare the shit out of him

▪️When it finally happens it's probably like 3 am but he is awake and ready to go

▪️Like he already had your hospital bag in the car ready to go

▪️Lewis risked getting a parking ticket at hospital because he was too caught up in what was happing

▪️Midwife would probably tell him off for something or other

▪️Lewis hates to see you in pain especially if it was too late for you to get an epidural

▪️He'd try to keep you distracted probably by telling you funny stories

▪️He'd wouldn't let go of your hand even if you were nearly breaking his in a deathlike grip

▪️He would definitely tear up at the sight of your perfect child

▪️Like honestly how had he helped make something so beautiful and precious

▪️Protective from your baby's first breath

▪️He'd be so eager to help. You need some sleep that's okay he'll watch over the baby. You want some food he'll go get it!

▪️Usually Lewis didn't care about creating memories via photos but my god you best believe he was handing his phone to anyone to take a picture

▪️While Lewis had called your and his parents when they arrive it takes a lot of convincing to let them hold the newest family member

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