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"You've got to tell him at some point Y/N." The older woman lectured over the phone to her daughter. Sighing Y/N picked up some of the discarded plastic food from Harry's play kitchen, fighting the urge to roll her eyes... She lost. "And don't roll your eyes at me young lady." Her mother continued on her war path. "Mum it's been three years. He'll have moved on or be mad at me. I don't know which one but I don't want Harry confused. He's doing just fine with me and only me." Old reruns of Jeremy Kyle flooding the small room with light the only source of company in the late hours. "I don't want Harry to feel unwanted." the y/h/c woman whispered in a defeated tone her mind spinning. "Oh love unfortunately I don't have a crystal ball. I can't promise it will work out but at least you would have given Harry a chance to know his Dad."

"I just want it to be okay." the young female stated her building tears choking her. "Say it will be okay please." All at once Y/N felt like a little girl again wanting to be swept up in her mum's familiar arms and told that it was all going to be alright. The broken tone in her voice was painful to hear but y/m/n couldn't bring her any comfort through the phone no matter how much she wished she could. "It's a hard job being a mum." was the only response the y/h/c girl got which caused her to snort through the tears. "especially on your own." y/m/n continued. After bidding goodnight to each other the silence seemed even more lonely.

Turning off the tv and lights Y/N headed to bed checking on the young boy in the process. Harry was the perfect mix of her and Lewis. He had y/e/c which he'd inherited from her but he also had Lewis' sandy brown locks that seemed to curl just slightly and no matter how much she tried to tame them it always seemed beautifully dishevelled. Smiling as the youngster snuggled closer to his toy dinosaur Y/N thought about how much he'd grown from the day she'd first brought him home. The love she felt for the small boy seemed to double with every passing day but she couldn't help but think what life would be like if she hadn't ran when she heard his heartbeat for the first time. They'd only been kids themselves with Lewis at 19 and her 18. It's not like they hadn't been responsible but life still decided to fuck with them. Don't get me wrong Harry was very very much unplanned but he was the best mistake Y/N had ever made.

Getting dressed for bed in an old worn out Fleetwood Mac shirt, another thing she'd kept as a memento of her time with Lewis, her phone seemed to taunt her. Hesitantly typing the well known number Y/N wondered if it was still his. The ringing seemed to drill into her brain, loud and pitchy probably loud enough to wake someone from a coma. Heart in her mouth she wanted to scream at herself for being so stupid. But it was too late "Hey... Long time huh?" chuckling nervously the girl shook her nerves shot to pieces. Pushing her y/h/c hair out of her face she hummed in reply to the surprised voice that had answered. "Please don't hate me."

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