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Adjusting her headphones Y/N screamed at the sudden obstacle in her path. "What is wrong with you!" The y/h/c scolded at the young man her heart thumping erratically. Rolling his eyes the male ran his orbs over his girlfriend more importantly her getup. "More like what's wrong with you!" Lewis argued back the sly grin perched on his pale features. "It's call workout gear." Y/N explained sarcastically her hand gestures teasing as if she was explaining it to a five year old. "No no I get that but why are you wearing it?" The Scotsman asked confusion filling his tone. "Well I'm going on a run?!" The y/h female shrugged her attention going back to her phone still trying to find the perfect heart rate tunes.

"Ah what don't go I've got pizza." Lewis pouted reaching out to tug her arm in an attempt to sway her opinion. Tutting Y/N swatted the hand away "No Lew I said I was going to get healthy during quarantine and now I am!" Chuckling the male pulled at his oversized black hoodie "Babe that was months ago!" Stomping her new trainer clad foot Y/N rolled her eyes "Yeah well better late then never!" Checking her headphones were secure she left Lewis stood in the hallway running a hand through his permanently disheveled brown locks. Jogging back the girl placed a quick kiss on his cheek. "Ya know you could always join me?" Though the pair both knew she was joking the look of utter disgust made them both laugh. Backing away Lewis shook his head "maybe next time." He said innocently however they both knew that meant no way. "Alrighty well love you I'll be back soon." Y/N announced loudly knowing he was already sat on the couch Netflix pulled up.

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