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- Well firstly regarding periods he would be fine as Y/N had given each daughter their own emergency kit for when they started their periods so they didn't need to feel embarrassed

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- Well firstly regarding periods he would be fine as Y/N had given each daughter their own emergency kit for when they started their periods so they didn't need to feel embarrassed

- But Lewis made sure he had ice cream and romcoms stat.

- if one of the girls had an accident he'd quite happily load the bedsheets into the washing and get them a hot water bottle.

- He'd probably find the arguments quite hard I mean he knew there'd probably be teen angst but damn.

- However if one of his kids disrespected their Mum damn he would not hold back after all she his girl.

- Periods were find he could deal with his girls becoming Women... that is until the first boyfriend appeared.

- He'd be quite protective to the point Y/N might have to give him a talking to! But he just wants what's best for his girls.

- first break up damn! He'd be there for them if they wanted to talk or cry he didn't judge. He'd apologise on behalf of teen boys but definitely reassured them it gets better.

- if one of his daughters comes out LGBTQ 🏳️‍🌈 he doesn't care as long as they are happy.

- he'd probably find Uni the hardest he'd pretend he doesn't miss them that much but he was probably the first to cry once he'd dropped them off and helped them settle at their University.

- You know he'd rep that Uni merch!!!

- proudest parent at graduation doesn't matter if it's from Primary, Secondary, College or Uni.

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