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Sighing the y/h/c girl relaxed under the stream of hot water. Even though she had nowhere to be or anything to be late for Y/N enjoyed her daily ritual. Quarantine could mess with her job and family but she always found the shower comforting. The scent of jasmine and patchouli easing the stressed knot that sat between her shoulder blades. "But I hope I never lose the bruises that you left behind" She sang lightly singing was something she was usually embarrassed about no matter how much Lewis encouraged her. It was a hobby she kept for times she was alone or when it happened subconsciously on long road trips. The droplets and Spotify playlist blinded her other senses. It was a hum of approval that awoke her from her daze. Jumping out of her skin Y/N scowled pushing her usually y/h/c locks before turning to face the intruder. "Looks like I've found my biggest fan" the Scotsman chuckled his dishevelled head poking round the shower curtain.

"LEWIS!" Y/N screamed at the male chucking a loofah at him. "I could have gone psycho on your arse!" the girl babbled on trying to calm her thumping heart. "Sure baby of course you could have." Lewis sported a serious tone but his humour filled eyes dobbed him in. "Excuse you but what psycho would expect the victim to have a knife hm Mr Smartypants." Trying to contain his laughter Lewis shrugged "Exactly now politely piss off." Y/N gestured to the still semi open shower curtain causing a small pool of water to collect. Pouting the older male gave his best version of the puppy dog eyes shutting the curtain followed by the bathroom door. "There must be something in the water, Cause everyday it's getting colder." Y/N continued quietly. People said she'd regret moving in with Lewis so quickly having only been dating for 6 months before they took the plunge but she loved him even if he did try to give her a heart attack on a regular basis. Honestly she wouldn't change it for the world. "You should sing more often. I like your voice." Lewis whispered in her ear clearly deciding joining his girlfriend for a shower was better than going to watch some tv show for the next 20 minutes until she joined him again.

A/N somewhat fluffy domestic Lewis sponsored by Ryan and Shane at Buzzfeed Unsolved idk 😂

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