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Stretching her back Y/N sighed in content at the quiet pops that greeted her, tension being alleviated with each satisfying crack. Sure it was supposed to be bad for you and at any other moment in time the y/h/c female would have usually cringed at the action but damn did it feel good. The glass coffee table looked like a bomb had hit it, notebooks, pens and crumpled up balls of rejection decorate it. "I can't do it Lew. I physically can't do it." the y/h/c girl complained aloud to the male. Grabbing a slice of cold pizza Y/N slumped back letting the comfy sofa envelope her tired limbs. Chuckling the male in question picked up one of the ink covered discarded snowballs smoothing out the work his eyes flickered over the messy scrawl. "I like this one, it's good." The Scotsman announced huffing Y/N rolled her eye in response.

Putting his hands up in defence her continued "I said good not amazing it just needs a few tweaks." Scowling the y/h girl took another bite of her snack "What's the point. Maybe I was just a one hit wonder." Sighing in defeat Lewis smiled weakly at the girl. Her usually bright y/e/c orbs dull and lifeless in the dark lighting. "Right you little Ms Negativity need some coffee and cuddles." Lewis stated walking through to the kitchen before busying himself by boiling the kettle. Picking up the now flattened crumpled mess Y/N blew a piece of rouge hair out of her eyes. The paper held scribbles and small doodles with the occasional lyric printed in her unusually messy hand. "What if people don't like it though?" Y/N asked loudly hoping he could hear her over the clattering currently going on in her small kitchen. Sticking his dishevelled head through the service hatch Lewis shrugged. "Who cares if they don't fucking like it, you have to like it!" he pointed out. Hot steam billowed of the mugs as he walked back to the female. Accepting her favourite mug in thanks Y/N laughed "You can't say that." Shrugging again Lewis picked up a red pen. "It's the truth once it's out there it's up to them if they like it but right now it's up to you." Setting the hot beverages aside the pair started work not even caring about the red glowing light of the clock silently alerting the fact it was 2:53 am.

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"Good evening boys, girls and any extra terrestrial beings watching this!" Y/N grinned at her phone watching all the messages flood in. "I know I know it's been a while huh." Settling herself the girl began answering the many questions sent in. Giggling Y/N read the next question. "Will you and Lewis be performing Moonlight Heartbreak at the Brits? Btw I love you soooo much" Smiling the y/h/c girl shrugged pulling a face. "Well firstly Annabanana3000 I love you too, secondly that would be telling but I can definitely confirm we are performing could be together or apart whooo knows." The flood of excited responses caused the girl to laugh again.

A/N I'm so sorry for the crappy ending @megandonaldson well it's crappy in general but yeah x

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