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PART 2 for #16

Requested - can you do a lewis imagine where you go to visit him on tour for like 2 weeks and when you get there the band is like oh thank god he's gonna be so happy and y'all are just cute on the tour bus and shit

I kinda changed it a little bit but I hope you enjoy it @megandonaldson. I might make a 3rd part with all the cute shit lol x


Y/N sighed heavily to herself as she scrolled through the hundreds of pictures and videos in her phone, each one making her heart break a little more. The memories seemed to taunt her almost comically. Readjusting her chin on the plain pillow the girl couldn’t help but sigh again brushing her y/h/c hair that had the audacity to block her view out of her eyes. The low rumbling of the tour bus reminding her how many miles there where between her and Lewis, Tours were nothing new to the girl but this time it seemed to last forever. Don’t get me wrong Y/N appreciated and loved every single one of the bands loyal radioheads but Lewis was home and everyone can get a little homesick now and then. At first Jack would mock his bandmate along with Scotty and Archie but the girl simply stayed quiet before slinking off to call the Glaswegian man she’d grown to love. “Alright this is getting ridiculous!” Scotty stated to his fellow band members who had collected around the faux oak table from his digital drum kit. “She can’t help missing him” Archie argued softly “But she’ll let me go crazy?” Scotty retaliated rolling his eyes. Ripping open the thin blackout curtain Y/N poked her head out “Will you shut up Scotty!” tears pooling at her y/e/c eyes before returning to snuggle back into her cave like bunk. Jack huffed slapping the blonde on the head at his insensitivity “No we’ll just have to deal with it like a family.” his Irish accent seeping through “unless..” he continued signalling for the other two men to follow him to the front of the bus. 

Psyching herself up Y/N did her usual pre show ritual of brushing her teeth while jumping around to get the energy pumping. Soon it was time for another evening of playing to a large crowd who were all dying to bask in the heavenly music (well heavenly for some but that's a matter of opinion.) they created. “HELLO SAN FRANCISCO!!!” the girl screamed to the sea of endless faces and almost for a microsecond you could have heard a pin drop before a thundering echo of excited screams returned her welcome. With a smile plastered on her face Y/N introduced her bandmates before the familiar chords of Circles pulled her into autopilot. Finally came time for the break in which the band would answer a few questions in an attempt to regain their breath. The questions  were mostly the same as they were at every location along with the occasional cheer interrupting an answer. “Oh okay this ones interesting” Archie started eagerly from the bar stool that had been brought on stage “All it says is Did you miss me?” a knowing smirk working its way across his tanned features “What the fuck” Y/N whispered into the mic from her stretched out position on the floor the coldness of the front stage embracing the y/h girl “Moriarty is that you…” pulling a distorted face mocking Jack's accent creepily repeating ‘did you miss me’  before realising everyone including the hyped crowd had gone deadly silent “Jeez okay guys I know my impression is bad but damn” the girl chuckled lightly trailing off as she sat up. Out of nowhere a pair of arms wrapped themselves around her tightly “Well did you? I definitely missed you” the familiar scent of Old Spice flooded her nostrils “Lew” the girl managed to squeak out before throwing herself at the man eyes flickering over him to reassure herself he was really there. “Why ya crying eh” Lewis whispered to her wiping away the salty tears that had made their way down from her y/e/c eyes “nah need for tears silly.” the brunet stated cuddling her securely into his side. For those few seconds it seemed as though the young couple were in their own little world neither of them caring about the thousands of people watching the small intimate moment. “Now that you have your boy toy can you be normal now?” Scotty questioned dramatically behind his drum kit sipping at his lukewarm water.  


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