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"I promise they're really nice." Y/N assured Lewis as the car got closer to their final destination... her parents' house. "My dad looks scary but he's a big softy and my mum already loves you!" the y/h/c girl pointed out hinting at the many phone calls where her mother ended up talking Lewis' ear off. Smiling awkwardly Lewis nodded his nerves still giving him anxiety "I know babe but it's different when you're the guy." Frowning Y/N raised an eyebrow in silent questioning. Sighing Lewis continued "Some Dads just don't exactly take kindly to their little girls growing up." Giggling loudly Y/N wheezed for breath glad that her and Lewis had swapped places at the last pit stop. "Baby I think my dads had enough time to get over it with Y/S/N and Y/S/N." 

Huffing Lewis drummed his fingers on the steering wheel to the radio "Yeah but you're the last to fly the nest or whatever." his tone turning more into a mock at the mum like saying. Grinning Y/N patted his thigh "I honestly think you're overthinking it but you need me too I'll hold your hand!" Pulling up to her childhood home Y/N couldn't contain her squeal of excitement. Closing the car door, Lewis smiled softly at Y/N's reaction. It was hard on her at first being so far away from home for Uni but after they'd gotten together she seemed less homesick. Y/N had grown up in a semi large family with three older siblings who two of which had their own families now. Leaving the close family total to be 17 on a bad day. Grabbing the males hand in hers the girl smiled at him before leaning up to fix his permanently dishevelled hair. "Ready?" Y/N asked sincerely, bouncing on the balls of her feet in suspense. Nodding half-heartedly Lewis took a deep breath before letting the girl lead him up the steps to the front door that was unlocked like usual due to the sheer amount of traffic. "Mum Dad we're here!" Y/N hollered before turning to face the man. "Still time to run?" She offered lifting their connected hands at the door.

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