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Requested by an Anon so hope you enjoy x

An old rerun of Family guy played in the background long forgot the only thing that reminded the pair that the tv was still on was the frequently changing hue of light projected on the wall. It wasn't Y/N's first time staying at the Capaldi household. If anything Carol had begun to joke she was starting to become a piece of the furniture. Kissing the y/h girl softly Lewis smiled in content the sight of his girlfriend snuggled in one of his old hoodies. Frowning the girl felt a reddish blush flood her cheeks. "What?" she asked an innocent tone laced in her voice. Shrugging Lewis smiled again "What, I can't just enjoy the view?" he questioned teasingly.

Lightly pushing the boy's shoulder, Y/N rolled her eyes calling him a weirdo as he fell back yanking her down in the process. Lewis and Y/N were a pair that rarely had to use their words when they were together. Their eyes did all the talking for them. To most it sounded soppy but it was like they shared a brain wave and could sense the others feelings without having to ask. Wincing the y/h/c girl broke the kiss firstly for a little air and secondly she had an Xbox controller digging into her spine. "I've might of never done this before.." Y/N announced a feeling of awkwardness falling over her. Sitting up suddenly preparing for the worse she began the hunt for her shoes which often ended up kicked into the chaos that was under Lewis' bed. "Woah woah woah." Lewis grabbed the girl gently lightly tugging her back to the safety of the unmade sheets. "What do you mean?" He asked his tone soothing and calm. Fiddling with her fingers in hopes of distraction Y/N cringed. "You know what I mean. Guy's don't like girls with no experience."

"That's bullshite!" The male exclaimed, wrapping his arms around her. Shaking her head rapidly the y/h/c girl argued "It's true only weird guys like the idea of virgins." Laughing lightly the Scotsman relaxed back into his original position. "You know everyone was once a virgin too right?" Slapping his chest Y/N rolled her eyes "No shit Sherlock. It just never happened okay."

Tapping her chipped painted nails on his black jeans "Plus Y/Ex/N said it was undesirable." Her usually sweet voice deeper as she mimicked her Ex's voice. Scoffing Lewis flickered his eyes over her figure that had started to relax from its tension held form. "Well I mean with that voice what's not desirable." Giggling Y/N nodded. Lewis' humour wasn't everyone's cup of tea but he could make her laugh even when all she wanted to do was cry. "You know we'd never do anything you didn't want to right?" Lewis piped up gingerly. Smiling reassuringly Y/N grabbed his larger hand "Of course I do. I was just embarrassed that's all." Shrugging awkwardly at the admission that just passed her lip. "Don't ever be embarrassed around me Okay?" Lewis declared before placing a kiss on the side of her head and flicking through the channels trying to settle on something to watch.

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