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This had to be a mistake, life had to be fucking with her. It had to be her recent lack of sleep that led to her eyes playing tricks on her. But no no matter how tightly Y/N closed her eyes the two pink lines didn't fade not even an inch. If anything with each passing second of fear the lines seemed to grow clearer. 

Sure they had been careful but she still ended up here. Young and alone as time seemed to march on without her. Well that was a bit dramatic. She wasn't alone but god did she feel it. The closing of the front door awoke her from her dream like haze. "Y/N you home?" Lewis called shutting the door with his foot due to his hands being full. Placing the tesco bag down Lewis frowned at the silence that greeted him before checking to see if her usual worn down sneakers lay in their predictable mess. "Y/N?" Lewis called again his Scottish accent seemed to always grow stronger when he was concerned. Wiping her red eyes hurriedly the y/h/c girl scrambled to look her normal happy self. "There you are." the slightly older male grinned not even waiting for a response before he swept the girl up into his arms. Half heartedly Y/N hugged back her mind still trying to take in the new information she had received. Pulling back Lewis frowned again, his light eyes checking her over for a sign well for anything really to tell him what was wrong. Choking back the tears Y/N smiled weakly hoping the fake smile would keep his questions at bay until she knew what she wanted to do. It's not that she didn't want a child with Lewis it was more the fact that this meant growing up and being responsible for another human being. A human who would need protecting and nurture from a world that could be so cruel in a heartbeat. Plus what would Lewis think. 

His album had only been released a year ago and there was so much more he could accomplish without a child holding him back. "Okay what's wrong?" Lewis questioned softly not wanting to upset the girl more. "I'm so sorry Lew" Y/N whispered barely managing to look him in the face. "I've ruined your life." the girl continued her breath catching. Panic flooded the males face not at the statement but more at how worked up the girl was getting. "Don't be silly love." Lewis comforted as he led her to sit down. Shaking her head wilding Y/N couldn't stop the onslaught of tears "No you don't understand I've ruined for life forever." Coughing awkwardly Lewis enveloped her in a hug, his hand wondering to stroke her back soothingly out of habit. "I'm sure you haven't... in fact I'm positive you haven't." He stated softly. Sighing the y/h/c girl took a deep breath. "I'm pregnant." half expecting a screaming match to begin Y/N seemed to curl into herself. Laughing Lewis pulled her closer to his warm chest. "Is that all?" He added the internal panic fading. Frowning Y/N raised an eyebrow brushing a lock of her hair out of her face. "What do you mean is that all?" She questioned, half surprised and half concerned about how the Scotsman seemed to blow off the bombshell she had just dropped. "Sweetheart you made it sound like the world was ending." Lewis chuckled again. "So you're not mad?" Y/N asked practically in disbelief. Now it was his turn to shake his head wildly, his brown dishevelled hair bouncing happily. "Of course I'm not mad.  I'd be an idiot if I didn't say this is exactly what I wanted. Granted maybe not this early but nothing's perfect." Kissing the girl lightly Lewis smiled at her, his bright orbs shining aglow with delight.

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