Chapter 11 - Sebastian

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Walking down to David's house last night was one of the best ideas I had. I wanted to take my car and drive. But I was feeling so restless, my guilty conscious was eating me up. I just couldn't take it anymore. So, I decided to walk. His house is not that far but it still took me about twenty minutes to reach his house. When David opened the door and saw me, that look told me a lot more than his words did.

The first thing I noticed was the bruise on his right cheek. The blueish tinge. He probably iced it, yet the bruise is visible. His parents were home. So, I thought it was good. And I said my apology. David said I didn't need to apologize. He knew I wasn't angry at him or that I wanted to hit him. Still his dad talked to me about it, which makes sense. But he was not bad, he just helped me understood things. Apparently, I have been keeping things bottled up inside me. And yesterday, it just burst open.

I told David's dad everything when he asked me. I told him about the bullying, about how David helped and now that Mackenzie and I are dating. Just not the part about fake dating. Well not at first, then he made me tell him. But he promised he would never tell David about it. I guess I just needed an adult's perspective. Or an adult. A dad. And talking to David's dad helped a lot. He is also a therapist so that probably helped him analyze me. But he said he got the feeling that I needed to talk. And so, I did.

When I returned home at 11 the first thing, I saw was Mom. Second was Liv's room's lights were off. Meaning she was still out. Or avoiding me. The second thought scared me. Then I approached mom and she just told me Liv was having a sleepover at Mackenzie's house. Yeah, that broke me. So, I cried for the first time in years. Mom calmed me down. Tried to understand what happened. She also said she got a call from the principal regarding my recent behavior. But she knew I wasn't in the condition to talk with my crying. She just let me cry and eventually fall asleep.

This morning I woke up felling almost relieved. Then I remembered I have not talked to Liv yet. And I know I have to do that. I also need to talk to Mackenzie. When I came down for breakfast I am met with a strange sight. Mom and Dad are both home, eating breakfast like normal parents. Not like the ghosts they usually are. It feels creepy. Dad smiled at me, yeah it definitely is creepy. I did not smile back I just went to get an apple.

"Son come have a seat." Dad said. Great! I am sure I have a lecture coming and they still don't know what I said to Liv. At least I don't think they do.

"Hey Dad. How come you are home? You both are." I asked finally as I glanced over at mom. The question that has been haunting me since last night.

Mom smiled and Dad laughed a little. "It feels surreal right?" Dad voiced. I just blinked at him. He laughed this time heartily. "What?"

"Umm Dad?" I quirked my eyebrows.

"Oh yeah. Well, we know we haven't been around much lately, and I missed you both. I know you guys don't think we realize how much you both actually miss us. But we know. And for that reason, I have asked for a two week leave during Christmas. Your mom cannot though. So, she just has a week off. Patients need their doctors and such, as if crime stops and no one needs representing. But anyways. What I mean is we need to make a few changes around here. By we, I mean us. Your mom and me. You both are growing up. You have become a fine young man, I see. And I have yet to see your sister to say anything." I nod.

"What? You don't have anything to say?" Dad asked.

"What do you want me to say Dad? I know you are a lawyer, and your job is very important. I know it is not easy for you to be home and work. But you used to be able to once upon a time. Then suddenly you both just vanished. And yes, I might seem like a fine young man or something, but I am not. Do you even know me Dad? I mean do you know that I have exams next week? Do you know that I am dating someone? Or the fact that I got so angry yesterday I yelled at Liv? I hurt her Dad. I hurt her. I scared my little sister away. She is at the sleepover because she is scared of me. She is scared to be in the same house as her big brother as if I am the monster. Only I am not imaginary and I not hiding under her bed."

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