Chapter 27- Sebastian

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Pain. Hungover. I slowly remember what happened last night. I tried to recall every detail, but I cannot. I just remember small glimpses. Why is my memory so splotchy? Why can't I remember things exactly? Suddenly, I get the feeling that it might be for the better that I do not remember everything. I try to get up, but my limbs feel extremely heavy. My head feels dizzy, stomach queasy. What the hell did I do?

I stayed in my bed for a few more minutes. Then I tried again. But this time I got the push. Not because I remembered something but because I had to puke. That was the push I needed and so I ran to a bathroom. I just puked my guts out and sat on the bathroom floor. Two hands helped me stand and put water on my face. Then handed me a very soft purple towel. Not mine. How did it get to my bathroom? Wait whose bathroom am I in? I turned and came face to face with a very distraught Liv. Without thinking I just hugged her. Only to realize Liv is not hugging me back. She is just standing there. Oh God, what did I do?

Liv helped me back to my room. But on the way back I saw Mac staring at me, well more like throwing daggers at me with her eyes. She was watching me, like one false move and she will have my head. What the hell did I do last night? Why can't I remember shit? I reached my room and Liv helped me to my bed. I could have walked by myself, but I was feeling too weak. I thanked Liv only to not get a reply. Did I yell at Liv again? Oh God please tell me I didn't hit her. I did, didn't I? Why would I though? I remember feeling guilty and putting on a happy face for breakfast. I remember the walk, then things start to get splotchy yet again. I think I tried to kiss Mac forcefully under the mistletoe. I cannot remember much after that. Something must have happened with Liv.

As I tried to remember what happened, I put my hand on my body to feel what I am wearing. I see I am in my pjs. Then where is my jacket? The one I have been wearing for a few days now. The one that holds the magical chocolate. Its magical because it never ends. Wait did Liv find my flask? I hid it well, but she might be able to find it. I mean somebody helped me get changed. As I cannot seem to recall much after our walk it is safe to assume, I did not get into my pjs by myself. Hence, I am sure it is Liv. She is the only one who takes care of me like this. Although she never had to take care of drunk me. Hungover me yes, but she didn't know I was hungover at the time.

Suddenly am image come to my mind. A very weird image. Kissing. Two people kissing. No. Not just any two people its Mac and Liv kissing under the mistletoe. Whoa! Is this real or is it part of my imagination? I mean I did imagine many bad scenarios which included them for the past few days. But this feels like it happened. Wait that why I drank so much? How do I feel about it now? Almost sober? If it is even real. I mean Liv would tell me, right? If she was kissing the girl, I love. Another image pops up. This one is of Liv crying and looking at me while I am shouting something at her. I cannot remember what and I cannot read my own lips from the image. But whatever it was that I said, must be bad because Liv is crying and everyone else is looking at me shocked, stunned and even a little horrified.

"So, you are awake?" Dad barges into my room loudly. "Good." He replies before I say anything or even nod. "Now get up you have some explaining to do. That is me putting it nicely." Dad again tells me rather loudly. Guess he knows I am hungover. He yanks the blanket off me and pushes me off my bed. I try to ask for his help to get up and he scoffs and walks away. "I am waiting Sebastian. Get up. Now." His stern voice makes me get up all on my own.

Dad was outside my room. He let me walk down the stairs all on my own. It was a rather difficult task. I have never ever felt like this before. And I have been drunk before. This feels different. I see Liv try to help me, but Mac stops her. Great. That made me remember my anger and I suddenly remembered I finished my flask and I also drank from the bottle I swiped from dad's office before. Guess I drank a little too much. As I reached the bottom of the stairs, I notice it's not just my parents, Mac's parents are here as well. They are also looking at me angrily.

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