A show in the Narrows

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We all stand in the sirens club, me, tabby, Barbara, Selina, penguin and some thug that's mad at us. He claims we stole from him, which I don't recall - but we'vestolen from so many gangs it's hard to keep track.

"Nobody steals from the Demonz mr.penguin!" Exclaims the thug.
"Why do I bother getting a crime licence if some crook can just common in a rip of out swag!" He demand point a large finger at us.

"Your swag might as well have been a baby with a loly pop." Retorts Tabitha.
I give the thug a wicked smile.

"You admit it, she admits it Mr Penguin!" Yells the thug.
I roll my eyes.
"Oswald, let's say we resolve this like professional," says Barbara, "the ladies and I will take down the rest of these - so called Demonz and split their goods with you fifty, fifty?"

"Uncivilized, is what these girls are, outside the bounds of a proper criminal society." Says the thug.
Suddenly a short man rushes into the room, whispering something into oswalds ear.
"WHATTT!" Yells penguins alerting the whole room.
"Repeat that for my guests." Penguin tells the man breathing heavy and panting.
The short man turns to us.
"Uh -uh, Ed Nygma, who owns his life to Mr.Cobblepots mercy, has chosen to repay that generosity by aping his benefactor in a crude comedian art!" He exclaims flaming his hands.

Everyone in the room is confused.
"What?" I ask, just as confused as tabby,Selina and Barbara.
Oswald turns to face me. "He is making fun of me...in a clown show...in the narrows!!!" Oswald screams spit flying from his mouth.

I can't hold it in any longer, both me and Selina start snickering as silently as possible. Even Barbara has a snide smile on her face. I laugh a bit harder and Barbara elbows me in the ribs, a warning to be careful. I see tabby do the same to Selina who just smiles.

To all our surprise, Penguin starts to chuckle, his voice shaky and Indians.
The thug laughs along anxiously.
"Heh, pretty funny, the toddlers doing a Penguin act."
Me and Selina stop smile from the look on oswalds face, it's twisted, deranged.

In one swift movement Oswald takes a knife and stabs the thug in the neck.
He falls to his knees and Penguin presses down harder.
"That is not his name!" Says Penguin eyes full of fury, "his name is Ed, plain - dumb Ed!" He pulls the dagger away letting the poor man fall to the floor.
"And you don't know him, so you don't get to laugh." Oswald says whirling away.

"Well, thank you Oswald for...clearing our account." Says Barbara ignoring the man who's now bleeding out on the floor.

"Not cleared,Babs" Penguin corrects turning to us, "the debt you owed him, you now owe me. He says his voice still wheezy.
"Of course," she says coldly, "what'll it be?"

Oswald smiles his eyes glinting towards me and Selina,
"Well, seeing as you love a good laugh. I'd like you to go to the narrows and see Ed's act for yourself, then I would like you to bundle him up and bring him back to me. By nightfall!" He says very loudly.

I grumble. "Where not your toteies." Says Selina. I gulp, but Barbara looks at her with some kind of pride.
"Dear child,what was that you said?" Oswald laughs. Barbara raised a brow, curious to see where Selinas gonna take this.
She steps forward, "what do we get, if we bring you nygma." She says laying it out for him like he's a child.

"Very well," he says, "in exchange I will not: send every criminal in the city after you, I will not let them cut out your eye balls and them feed em to you, and then your ears, and your noses and your tongues. THAT IS WHAT YOU GET!" He screams getting very close to our faces.
"EXCEPT-ABLE?!" He demands.

"Yes Oswald, that is except able." Says Barbara stepping protectively in front of me and Selina.
"Ladies." She beckons turning to us.
Barbara storks casually out along with Tabitha, then Selina, me the last to leave glared at Penguin.
"See you soon Oswald." I say mimicking Barbara's icy tone.
Then I follow the others.

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