The fight for Demons Head

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Barbara raised her hand which begins to glow. Soon Ra's will arrive, ready to fight. There's no telling who will survive, no telling what will happen if Ra's manages to take the demons head from Barbara.

She's still quite mad at me and refuses to talk. I don't blame her, I was a bit of a brat earlier.

But Selina was also right, we're in way over our heads, especially since all Barbara can do with her powers is shine some light.
It's not going to be enough to protect us against Ra's, and I doubt a week placed bullet would do anything either.

Suddenly Ra's men enter, their swords drawn. Barbara grape the knife right in her fist.
The lugs flicker out and when they return the zombie Ra's stands before her.
"Nice entrance." Says barb coldly.
"I do hope you've had time to reconsider, and are planning to give me what I want." Ra's says in his gruelling voice.

"I've thought about it." Barbara says strolling forward.
"A lot. And about us. We had something, didn't we? Back when you were less... duh up-y." She says with a casual gesture.

"I do not have time for this." He growls, his voice like nails on a chalkboard.

"I will give you what you want Ra's." Says babs, "but I want you to admit we had a connection. And that those things you said to me were just mind games to make me lose my nerve."

"You want me to tell you that your special?" He asks cynically.
"Would that be so hard?" She asks him nearly inches from his face.

"No." He breaths, "and moreover, it's true. You are special. I'm just sorry it had to come to this, Barbara."
"Me too." She says. "But thank you for saying that.

I gulp, and brace myself for what about to happen.
Barbara takes the knife and quickly stabs Ra's in the chest. He doesn't move, doesn't make a sound, he doesn't even look bothered.

Barbara gaps in fear as she refuses Bruce was right. Only he can hurt Ra's.
"Ouch." Ra's says sarcastically.

Before she can do anything he grabs her by the neck and throws her threw a pain of glass.
It all shatters as she falls to the ground.
Me and Tabitha race to help her but the warriors hold us back.

"She must do this by herself." They say.
"What! Are you crazy? Your supposed to protect her!" I scream.

Barbara gets up and screams as she lunges towards Ra's, the knife clatters to the ground as they begin to fight.

Barbara goes for his face butt he punches her. She elbows his jaw and the fighting continues on.
She's getting dominated and at this point he has her on one knee, hand around her neck.

I can hear her choking even as me and tabby fight against her servants.
"Barbara fight!" I scream, "Barbara please!"

She gasps and chokes as he begins to suck down of the power from her magical hand.
"Barbara common fight!" Tabitha yells.
But she's starting to run low. Just as she's about to collapse Bruce and Selina run in.
Bruce punches him so hard that it sends Ra's to the grounds.
Barbara slumps and the warriors hold rice back.
"This is Barbara's fight." One of them yells.

Panting and gasping for air barb stands up. Her hand glows and I see a look of horror in her eyes. As if she knows what's about it to happen she turns around right before Ra's is about to stab her.

"Well, now." He says, "look at you."
"Yeah, look at me." She says, "you wanna give it another shot?"

He lunges towards her but she's ready and gifts him off with ease.

Ra's falls to the ground.
"She's mastered the demons head." I woman holding me back says.

"Wow!" Exclaims babs, "I can see why he likes this thing." She hacked at her hand.

The woman let's me go and I walk over to babs with tabby.
"You did it." I say.
Suddenly Ra's jumps up and grabs tabby. He holds the knife to her neck as barb pushes me behind her for my protection.

"That's enough. Give me what I want or your friend dies." He says.
"I thought this was between us." Byways.
"Chose now."

Barbara breaths out a deep breath and I can tell she sees a vision form the look in her eyes, I only hope she chooses the right path. Because I know what the vision shows her. And I couldn't bare to let it happen.

Barbara is deathly silent.
"You win." She says finally, "just don't hurt her." The whole room looks at Barbara, but me... I'm in the most shock of all.
This is the most selfless thing I've even seen Barbara do. But I realize in that moment that she loves Tabitha. She always heads, that's whys he killed butch all those months ago, that's why she couldn't bare her criticism. Because Tabitha wasn't just her best friend.

Slowly Ra's lowers the knife and pushes tabby away.
Panting she and Barbara share a pained look.

I feel Barbara hand touch mine protectively, a gesture. In forgiven.
Then she steps forward and places her hand on Ra's.

"Barbara Kean, you surprise me yet again." He says. "Maybe I wasn't mistaken in you after all."

Barbara watches as the power is torn form her body and sucked into Ra's.
I know it kills her. But she's done it for us .
I look at Tabitha and Selina, who share the same looks as me.

Barbara shakes as the last bit of power drains from her body and then... Ra's al ghul is reborn. Back into the man he was before. And not that ghastly corpse.

Bruce steps forward.
"Give me the knife Ra's. Let me kill you." He says.

Ra's shakes his head slowly.
"Today is not the day that I die." He says and then snaps the knife in two. The only item that can end his terrible existence. Our only salvation - gone.
It clatters to the floor and the lights flicker out. When they return he's gone leaving me, Selina, Bruce, Barbara, tabby and the warriors in shock.

It takes a while for everyone to leave but eventually they all do.
Even Selina goes back with Bruce to give Barbara some space, due to their earlier squabble.
Me and tabby sit on the steps of the sirens club. Barbara should have some time to herself.

"I can't believe she gave up her power for me." Tabitha says, breaking the silence.
"I can." I say softly.
"I uh think I'm gonna go and check on h r, come with me?" I ask.
Tabitha nods and we walk inside.
To my surprise barb is moping the floor, a job usually reserved to me.

She sighs when she hears us enter.
I tech out and gently take the mop from her.

She turns around eyes on tabby.
Tabitha try's to form words but has none to speak.
"You'd have done the same for me," says bBarbara understanding fully what Tabitha wants to say, "both if you."
She says with a meek smile my way.

My heart floods wi gratitude for Barbara and if she where anyone else I'm sure I'd have hugged her. But it was still barb...and she still was prickly.

The three of us turn at the sounds of boots. To our shock Barbara's old demons head warriors walk in.
My whole body tenses, they work for Ra's now.

Barbara world her jaw and tries to quell her nerves.
"Ladies, I hope this ain't one of those "kill the old queen" situations."

"We discussed things," the leader of them says, "demons head or not, you fought. Not for yourself, but those along side you. You are worthy, Barbara Kean."
And with those words they all bow.
"we follow you," they say, "to our deaths and beyond."

Barbara is shocked, almost more than me and tabby are.
A familiar smile tugs on barbaras lips, the warriors follow her now...and so will I.

Only three or four more chapters left in this book - I hope you've enjoyed.

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