Ra,s al Ghul

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Barbara whirls around and her and the man begging to fight. I gasp unsure of what to do. They seem very evenly matched and Barbara seems much better at fighting than she used. Before I can do anything to help she has him pinned to the wall.
I grab a gun and point it at the intruder.
"Who are you?!" I demand, "what do you want!"
"Excellent technique Barbara." He says.
"I had a good teacher." She says.
"You know this guy?" I ask her. She doesn't answer me and focuses back on the man.
"I wish you'd called ahead." She tell him.
He quickly flips her around and twists her arm.
"Does that mean you don't have the knife?"
"Touch her again and I blow your brains out!" I want him. He looks up at me.
"You must be El, Barbara has told me so much about you."
I lower the gun when I realize who he must be.
Layout Ra's al ghul!" I says.
He nods, "indeed, but back to that knife, where is it?" He asks whispering into Barbara's ear.
"Bruce Wayne has it." She says flushing in the face.
"Bruce?" He says with intrigue, "really? How ingesting" He lets her go and some of her fear washes away. I don't like how he's treated her though and I can't help but feel defensive of her.
"Your not angry?" She asks cautiously. She sounds like me when I know I've disappointed her.
"Not not at all," he says "you see Barbara when I brought you back to life I did it in the knoll he that's you'd become a great alive of mine and so far... you've done an admirable job." Barbara smiles and walks towards his side.
"I'm glad you feel that way," she says, "and I wouldn't worry about that knife, it didn't seem all that special to me." She goes to touch his face but her grabs her wrist forcefully.
"Oh but you couldn't be more wrong, that knife... is the key to everything." There's a long pause before she agreeably pulls him forward.
"Well not everything..." she says looking into the mans eyes. The two share a passionate kiss before drawing their attention back to me.
"So it take it you two are an item." I say awkwardly just standing there.
They don't answer but give each other a look. I can't help but feel disgusted, this guy seemed terrible. And it was clear he only brought her back to use her.
"So your the one who resurrected Barbara?" I ask him.
He nods, "indeed, but I'm here to do much more than that." I edge away from him slightly. Something about him gives me the creeps.
"I'm impressed with you work you know. When Barbara first told me off you I'll admit I was nothing less than intrigued."
I glare at him, "I could say the same... but I won't."
Barbara draws nearer giving me a threatening look.
"Now, now, be nice" she tsks.
I roll my eyes, she clenches her fists.
"Don't test me..." she threatens grabbing my chin.
"Come now Barbara, the girl's merely curious. Who wouldn't be?" Says Ra'a.
I eye him carefully, I definitely don't trust him. Not one bit.
I look back at Ra's. "So tell me, do you bring people back from the dead often?" I ask.
He smiles, "witty, I like that." I glare at him.
"No not really, but with Barbara I knew, no one with so much potential should meet such and early end." He says.
She smiles her icy blue eyes glinting.
Something about the way they look at each other makes me very uncomfortable, if much prefer her with Tabitha. They were soulmates, not this clown. I keep my thoughts to myself though, the last thing I need is more attention from Ra's and Barbara.
"So you can bring back anyone?" I ask.
This really peaks my interest.
He smile cunningly, "within reason, yes."
Barbara watches him with great respect, or maybe it's fear, I can't tell which. Not yet anyways.
"Let me guess," says Barbara, ".you want to know if Ra's can bring back your parents." She has a mocking tone in her voice. I blush a deep shade of red, "no-no I'm just curious that's all." I lie.
Ra'a studied me carefully.
"Even if I wanted to I couldn't, you see my power are strong but even they have their limits. The only reason I was able to resurrect Barbara in the first place was be use I got to her so soon after death. Her body was still perfectly preserved." He says.
"So your saying that in order to bring someone back they have to still have the biotic traitors of something living." I clarify.
He nods. I feel my heart sink a little, my parents died over a year ago. Even if they could be brought back they certainly wouldn't look right.
He turns back to Barbara.
"I should be going," he says, "but Barbara I will contact you when it's necessary."
Barbara odd steadily and we both watch him leave.
I turn back to her almost immediately.
"Serious that guy, he's the creep you've been working for?" I exclaim.
Barbara's face goes dark, "I'll admit he's a bit much but well, all the good ones are." She smiles hollowly,there's no love in her eyes for him.
"I don't trust him." I tell her. Barbara grabs my chin.
"Then trust me... I have this under control." She says.
I roll my eyes, "your so sure about that?" I ask.
She glares at me, "I think maybe it's time you go home, I'll be in touch tomorrow." She says coldly.
I frown, I don't think she'd just kick me out.
"Oh, uh, alright, I guessed I'll see you tomorrow then..."
I leave quickly not wanting show that I'm kinda hurt. It's not that late but it's still dark.
When I get back to the apartment no one is home. I don't know where Selina and tabby are but I don't care much either.
And I'm also conflicted, Barbara wouldn't want me telling them about her relationship with that Ra's guy, but didn't they deserve the truth? Tabitha especially should know, after all she and Barbara used to be - well I don't know exactly what butt they cared about each other. Much more than any "friends" would.
Personally I was routing for them, I just don't know how they'll get over the whole "you killed my boyfriend so I killed you" dilemma. Tabitha hasn't said anything but I know she misses Barbara, she still feels betrayed but I know better than anyone how multiple feeling can rage inside.
But Barbara has changed, maybe tabby will too. I know I have...
I sigh and flop down in my bed: which is literally just a mattress on the ground. It takes me a while to fall asleep, I don't know why, probably cause I have so many things going on in my head.
I keep thinking about Barbara, that mysterious knife, and Selina. Will Bruce r ally give it to her? Barbara seems to think so but I'm not too sure. There has to be a reason as too why Bruce Wayne and that butler of his wanted the knife. Maybe they are working for Ra,s too. I doubt it though, there probably going to sell it, or maybe that knife has a bigger purpose. I gilt awake as the door slams shut.
Selina walks in looking flustered.
"Selina your back! Are you okay?" I ask seeing the annoyed expression on her face.
"Bruce wouldn't give me that stupid knife!" She yells, "I mean after everything I've done for him he can't even I give me that damn knife."
I shake my head, "I'm sorry, but I'm sure it's fine."
"No actually it's not, I told Barbara I'd get it and now I can't. I failed, again!"
I get up and walk over to comfort her.
"It's alright, Barbara doesn't need the knife after all."
Selina geeks her head my way.
"What?!" She asks angrily.
I rush to explain.
"The man who brought her back to life showed up, he said he wasn't angry. In fact he kinda seemed happy that Bruce had the knife." I tell her.
Selina sighs and I can feel the weight lifting from her shoulders.
"God dam it Barbara, I killed myself to get her that fricken thing." She rants.
"I'm sorry." I say with a sigh, "but you know Barbara, when she wants something, she usually gets it."
Selina nods, but I can't tell she's still sorta pissed. I would be too if I had to confront someone for a stupid knife it turned out we never really needed.
Hopefully Barbara's in a better mood tomorrow. She wasn't to happy tonight. Especially after I told her not to trust Ra's al ghoul.
"So what was that dude like?" Selina asks changing the subject. I welcome the change and we both sit down.
"He was fine I guess, kinda creepy, and I definitely don't trust him bust Barbara seems to be close with him?"
"Close?" Asks Selina with a raised brow.
"I saw them kiss." I say blankly.
"You what?!"
I nod, "yeah, they were fighting for a moment and then she just kissed him. And joy lick a peck on the check they were having a full on make out session."
Selina cringes, "eww, how old is this dude anyways?"
I shrug, "I dunno late forty's early fifties, he want exactly attractive. But babs seemed to be mesmerized, and kinda scared, it was hard to tell."
Selina looks at me with concern.
"Yeah I definitely wouldn't trust him." She says.
"That's what I told her!" I say, "but she just kicked me out."
"Yeah, I guess I was kinda getting on her nerves but still, I helped her at that auction. I tried to get the knife."
She shakes her head.
"Barbara better not take us for granted. I know tabby won't tolerate that."
I nod, "yeah, if only we could know for sure."
Selina and me both sigh, and yawn. It's nearly three in the morning.
"I think I'm gonna go to sleep." I tell her getting up. She nods and goes into the other room. I'm able to fall asleep quickly now, but my dreams are less than pleasant. I only hope my deepest fears won't come true - though something... tells me they might.

Hey so this chapter is kinda short but it's my birthday so I was kinda busy. I'm going to try and be more active after the holidays but I won't be doing a lot of writing over the next two weeks. I know no one even reads these though, I think I just write them for fun lol. Anyways if anyone happens to skim threw this ever I hope they enjoy it ❤️

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