The league of shadows

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I sit at the bar with Barbara who's suffering from yet another migraine. She's been having a lot of them lately, it's really weird but at least Selina survived her encounter with Ivy Pepper.
Sofia came over the other day and told us what she did to lee. She bashed her hand with a hater and broke every bone. Barbara smiled but I was disgusted,I don't have anything against lee, but I'm starting to have something against Sofia.
I haven't told Barbara or tabby about this of course, Sofia would probably find out and bash my hand.

Tabitha comes in just as bar downs another one of her pills. I don't know weather their helping or not.
"Migraines still?" Asks Tabitha. Barbara rubs her temples and nods, "it's like I've been hit in the head with a brick." I wrinkle my nose as a swampy smell fills the room. I turn to find Ed being dragged in by Grundy or butch I don't know what to call him these days.
"What is that sleek?!" Barbara exclaimed as though it's making her head pounder harder.

She turns and rolls her eyes at wii she sees.
"Shoulda known. Grundy smell like old dentures." she says mocking his tone and voice.

"It's him." Says Tabitha.
"I know." Barbara retorts but I'm not sure she understands fully. I think...I think maybe something else is going on.
Barbara smiles Jim and gags.
"Hey there Barbara." Says butch. I gasp. Despite his looks butches brain seems to be back in tact.
Barbara's eyes go wide and she grabs a crop screw for protection, holding it to butches face.
"Scary." Butch laughs and then turns to tabby.
"Nygma tried to recruit me against Sofia," he explains, "he's working for penguin."
Ed whose still bound and gagged on the floor laughs. I know that laugh very well, it's the laugh of the riddler.

"I figured after all Ed did to you, you should be the one to kill him." Butch says to Tabitha.
Tabitha nods slowly and butch behinds to walk away.
"Wait butch-don't just walk away again." She says.
Butch turns back to her, "tabby, I'm gonna find a way to find a way to get back to old me...I promise."
He shots Barbara a glare.
She's still holding the cork screw at him like a weapon.

Ed mumbles some sort of insult threw his gag and butch kicks him. He then leaves us to deal with the problem at hand.
"What should we do with him?" I ask as we step closer.
I turn back to Barbara for an answer but find her slumped over the bar clutching her head.
"Barbara - Barbara!" It's almost like she can hear me.
Suddenly she collapses to the ground. I rush over to help but she shoves me off.
"Are you okay?" Asks Tabitha as babs slowly stands up and turns to us.

"I'm fine..." she says still panting from the pain.
"We send Nygma back to Sofia, she will torture him to get to penguin - lee has no mire skies, boom, rebellion quelled. Where hero's."
I nod it's a fairly good plan.
"Then what about Nygma, he just gets to walk away? Tabby asks her.
Ed yells his agreement to that plan but Barbara has another.
"When Sofia doesn't need him anymore she'll kill him. Same end result, none of the headache." Barbara explain glaring down at Nygma.

"Common," says Barbara, "get ready and then we'll deliver him to Sofia."

I grab my gun and we drag Nygma to the car.  We shove him into the trunk and drive to Sofia's manor.

When we get there she doesn't waste time and ties him up. A minute later the torture starts.
"Ladies, meet my the dentist." She say introducing us to a bald man with round glasses. He open a breve case and reveal a series of sharp objects- and a drill. I don't want to know what he uses that for.

"You should probably leave now." Says Sofia, "we wouldn't want to baby people around to witness the screams." She says patting Ed on the shoulder.
Barbara smiles courtly, "of course not. We love in touch." She says as we leave.

We're opening up the club tonight so it's probably best we're back anyways. It's only been open for about a week now but nuisances is booming. I've found I quite enjoy owning part of the club.
But then... it all goes to hell.
A couple hours later we get a call from Harvey bullock.
"What!" I hear Barbara ask over the phone. When she hang a up she turn to me and Tabitha.

Barbara Queen:  The sirens return Where stories live. Discover now