Ready for battle

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I'm ready for a fight. Strapped up and down with weapons and wearing a stealthy outfit. Camp pants with a tight black top. Across my chest I have a holistic with a variety of knives and my gun in my pocket. I'm deadly. And angry too.

Jeremiah Valeska shot Selina

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Jeremiah Valeska shot Selina. She was with Bruce and now she's in the hospital and me... the next time I see him I'm gonna guy him like a fish! Barbara and tabby are furious as well. Tabitha is out trying to bring butch back to his krona self so it's just me Barb and her warriors.

My arm is bandaged tightly, I've been feeling better but it still hurts a great deal. I just have to bite my tongue through the pain.

Barbara begins to speak but I barely hear her words, I'm to worried about Selina and plotting a revenge.
"Hello, earth to El, are you listening?" She asks in an irritated voice.
"Oh yeah sorry." I apologize giving her my full attention. Barbara takes this a s I sigh to begin her speech.

"The evacuations gone leave a lot of territory undefended," she says loading her gun, "it would be a shame not to capitalize." The lights suddenly flicker out.

Not again. I think pulling out my gun. But there's nothing me or Barbara can do as all of her warriors are knocked out.
All except for me and Barbara are on the floor. We've been spared from this attack and I know exactly why.
It's Ra's. How predictable, I think, for him to show up now of all times, when Gotham is on the brink of destruction.

"Hello Barbara." He says. She shots at him but he grabs her gun and disarms us both before we can make another move.
"I was only hoping to talk." He says he itchy after snatching my gun.
"By attacking my people?" Barbara asks.

"Call it precaution." He says coolly.
"What do you want?" both me and barb bark at the same time.
I see a flicker of a smile cross her face before drawing her attention back to Ra's.

"I'm leaving Gotham." He says, good riddance, I think.
"I want you to come with me." He says to her.
Ummm what?!
Barbara scoffs,"try again." She says pulling out a knife.
"I had a vision when I took back the demons head. Death, destruction, the city in flames. But it didn't come to be."

"How disappointing for you." Barbara sneers at him.
"Indeed," Ra's says, "for many reasons, not least is that for centuries I have depended on the demons head to get ahead of my enemies. But with out the full measure of its power-"
Barbara swiftly interrupts him.

"Wait, are you saying that some of it might still be in me?" She asks with a smirk.
I can't help but smile a little to, glad to hear that, that bastard didn't suck away all the power for himself.
"Interesting." Barbara says with a snicker.
"So I guess you here to kill me for it?"
She points the knife at him and he resides his hands.

"You misunderstand," he begins, "remove the woman from the painting, the one who's features you share?"
"The whore you murdered, how could I forget!" Barbara spits practically seething.

Barbara Queen:  The sirens return Where stories live. Discover now