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You lost the suspect (Endorsi) and Khun brought you to dinner

Back to the story:

You and Khun were currently sitting in an expensive and classy restaurant. You insisted on going to a regular cafe and just drink coffee for dinner but Khun bought you to this restaurant by force.

"What now?" You asked as you stabbed the expensive steak with your fork.

"You eat your food while I go to the bathroom." Khun said before wiping his lips and leaving.

A sigh escaped your lips as you continued to stab your steak. You eventually left the steak alone and leaned onto your chair.

"Breaking news! A famous serial killer was shot recently and let himself fall from a buildinh after resisting his arrest. He was known for killing 13 innocent people and carving the dollar sign on their skin. The dollar killer, (l/n) (f/n) is fighting for his life in the Cloverleaf hospital--"

Your eyes widened as you heard your father's name in the news. Ur phone suddenly vibrated, indicating that someone was calling you. You picked it up as your lips quivered.

"H-hello?" You spoke.

"(Y/N)! Mom told me to call you! Come to the hospital, quick!" You heard Seth's voice.

He ended the call and you immediately stood up.

"Hey, where are you going?" Khun asked as he grabbed your wrist.

"M-my d-dad..!" You managed to speak.

You couldn't believe it. It's like everything was falling apart. You were scared especially for your mother.

"Come on, let's go!" Khun said as he pulled you outside and towards his car.

"(Y/n)..." You snapped your head towards where you heard your name being called.

You felt your heart clench at the sight of your mother crying nonstop. You slowly approached the both of them before embracing your mother.

"Mrs. (L/n)?" A doctor called.

"Y-yes, how's my husband??" Your mother asked as she stood up.

"I'm sorry to tell you this but, he'll be stuck in a coma. We don't know when he'll wake up or if he's going to wake up." The doctor said.

"That's b*llsh*t." Seth suddenly spoke.


"You're letting him die, aren't you? You can do something but you're not gonna do it because our father is a serial killer! You think he deserves to die, don't you!?" Seth asked as he walked towards the doctor.

"W-well, what if you are right? H-he doesn't d-deserve to live! H-he killed so m-many!!" The doctor talked back.

"You son of a b*tch." Seth muttered underneath his breath.

He grabbed the doctor's collar and slammed him towards the wall. He slowly pulled him up as anger clouded his eyes.

"Seth, calm down. This isn't gonna change anything." You said as you gently pushed him away from the doctor making the doctor drop on the floor.

"Tch." Seth grabbed his bag before walking away.

"Aren't you going to stop him?" Khun asked.

"No, he needs to cool off." You replied.

You turned to the doctor sitting on the floor and was petrified. You reached out your hand and gave him a warm smile.

"Are you alright? Sorry about my brother, he's got anger management issues." He grabbed your hand and you pulled him up.

Now that you've gotten a better look,he isn't that bad. He has round glasses, brown eyes, black hair, sharp jaw. He's pretty cute. Looks about 24 years old.

"Thank you..." He bowed before leaving.

You spotted something on the ground. It was the doctor's name tag. You picked it up before smiling a bit.

Adiel, huh? What a nice name...

You put the name tag on your pocket before walking towards your mother. You embraced her while gently stroking her hair.

"Oh, honey... I don't know if I can handle losing your father..." You mother said as she held you tighter.

"Don't worry, mom. I'm sure he's in good hands." You said as you hugged your mother tightly.

You were going home. Khun was driving. Your family told you to go home and look after the house. Seth said he'll take care of your mother.

"Are you alright?" You heard Khun ask.

"Do I look like I'm fine?" You snapped back before sighing. "Sorry, today has been so stressful."

"I know a place where I think will help with what you're feeling, want me to drive there?" He asked.

"No thanks. I really need to go home. I'm tired and it's late in the night."

"If you say so..."

You reached your house. You grabbed the doorknob and twisted it. You were back in your house. You went to the kitchen and made some food.

"Someone must be hungry..." You muttered.

Welp, sorry for taking so long to update. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Lots of love ♥


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