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"You're finally done flirting," Endorsi said as both Khun and I sat down in front of her.

"Ahem, Ms. Endorsi. Is it alright to ask you some questions?" You asked as you organized the papers in the folder you were holding.

She looked at her lawyer and he nodded. "Go ahead." She said.

"What is your relation with the victim?" You asked as you opened the folder you were holding.

"Relation? She only ever tried to kill Bam and Khun. What do you think our relation is?" She asked with a tone.

"Ms. Endorsi, please calm down." You ushered.

She laid her back on the seat as she folded her arms. Her glare softening towards you.

"Right, sorry." She apologized.

"When was the last time you saw her?" You asked as you scribbled down notes.

"About two weeks ago." She replied.

"Were you on good terms--Nevermind that question. Did you have an argument the last time you met?" You asked.

"Hm... Does giving her a death threat count?" She asked.

"Ms. Endorsi. I advise you to please keep that information to yourself." Her laywer whispered.

"What? Evan. They can't possibly think that bitch is worth my time." She said.

"Ahem, may I continue?" You asked.

"Go ahead," Endorsi replied.

"Where were you a week ago?" You asked.

"My alibi? I was in a fancy diner, only two people were in there. I was wearing a disguise." She replied.

"Can anyone confirm that?" You asked.

"I don't know who the two people are." She said.

"Khun, fetch me a 2b pencil and some paper please." You said.

"Yeah, sure." Khun left.

Shortly after, he went back in with the items you asked for. His hand now has a small cut.

"What happened to you?" You asked.

"I accidentally grabbed one of your knives." He replied.

"Go get yourself patched up, I'll handle this." Khun nodded and left.

"Ms. Endorsi. Can you describe what he looks like?" You asked.

"His eyes look like he's squinting, he has a brown hair that's tied in a man bun, a chiseled face, thin lips, roman nose, his left eyebrow has a cut on the middle." She described.

"That wasn't a good way to describe someone, but I'll try." You said as you started drawing.

"Is this him?" You asked and she nodded. "Well, I think I know who the girl is."

"You do?" Endorsi asked with a smile.

"His eyes are (e/c), right?" You asked.


"That's my brother and his girlfriend. I'm going to call them here." You said before leaving the interrogation room.

"Hey, Seth." You talked through the phone.

"What now???" He asked. "Are you gonna tell me to break up with her again???"

"No. Just get your butt here right now. Bring your girlfriend too." You said calmly.

"Ok, I will... If you give me fifty dollars." He said.

You could imagine the smirk he was wearing while telling you this. Your phone was quickly snatched away from you as a velvety voice spoke.

"I'll give you a hundred dollars if you come here within five minutes. Deal? Deal." Khun said before ending the call.

"What the heck? You're willing to give him that much money?" You asked.

"I did the math, he'll come here in 5 minutes and 16 seconds which means he'll fail." He said.

"What?? How can you be sure of tha--"

"Shh.." He put his finger on your lip, stopping you from talking further. "Just trust me."

You rolled your eyes at him before he started walking away.

"Where are you going?" You asked.

"To get some donuts, do you want some?" He asked back.

"No, thanks." You said before entering the other side of the interrogation room.

"I'll be taking my leave. Elaine, can you check on some things with me?" Lero Ro said before leaving with Elaine.

You stared at the other side and saw the lawyer leave. A smirk crept to your face as Endorsi groaned in agony.

"KHUN!!! I'M HERE!!!" You heard Seth huff.

You turned to see his girlfriend on his back.

"You're twenty-five minutes late..." Khun said as he sighed.

"Yeah, well Seth was so slow in like, running." Luna, his girlfriend replied.

"Well maybe if you walked, you would've been here early OR you could've taken a taxi!" You said frustratingly.

"Why are you being so rude?" Seth asked you.

"Endorsi fucking escaped!!" You yelled. "ON. MY. WATCH!!"

"Hey, don't blame yourself." You heard Elaine speak up.

"And how was I rude by stating what you could've done??" You asked as you pointed a finger at your brother accusingly.

"Calm down, detective (l/n)." Lero Ro said.

"How did she get away anyway?" Khun asked as he leaned towards the wall.

"I went to the bathroom real quick and when I came back, she was gone." You replied.

"Alright. Let's just check the cameras." He said.

"She's so cool, getting past those guards and all without getting caught." Seth spoke.

"Shut your mouth, you fartface." You spoke.

"Why don't you that yourself, you blockhead?" Seth replied back.

"You and your brother's bickering isn't going to help us with our case. Detective Shibisu, tell everyone to search for Princess Endorsi. We can't afford her killing more." Lero Ro spoke.

"Yes, sir." Shibisu saluted before leaving the room.

"And everyone. Go home and rest. It's been a long day." He said before turning towards the door. "Don't blame yourself too much, (l/n)."

And with that, Lero Ro left the detectives with their thoughts.

"See you all tomorrow," Hatz said before leaving.

"Don't blame yourself, alright?" Elaine said as she rubbed your back. You smiled as a reply. "I'll get going now."

You and Khun were the only ones left inside the room. Seth and his girlfriend left after Elaine.

"Wanna go grab some proper dinner?" Khun asked as he reached his arm out towards you.

"Yeah, sure..." You said before standing up from your chair and grabbing your coat.

Oh, a date with Khun? I hope nothing bad happens...

Hope you enjoyed reading! Lots of love ♥


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