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recap (should I do the recap from the first chapter to the latest one?)

    Wangnan died and you'll be leading the investigation and they're thinking endorsi is framed.

back to the story

You, Elaine, and Khun were sitting at a cafe, this was such a huge responsibility for you. As a detective, you should've expected all these responsibilities but you never wanted to be a detective. Your father forced you to be one. You wanted to be a teacher. It was only because you wanted to make sure that your students wouldn't have to experience what you experienced. You let out a loud sigh before leaning towards the table.

"You're going to do great, (n/n). Stop overthinking things," Elaine spoke.

"You don't understand, El! I'm afraid of failing..." You said before looking up. "I'm afraid if-- excuse my language-- I fuck things up, I'd get demoted. I'm not used to leading anyone. How can they trust  me when I can't even trust myself?"

"Uh... Just trust yourself..?" Khun suggested.

It was evident that Khun didn't know how to comfort anyone except for Bam. He can listen to Bam talk about his problem for days and would give great advice. But when it comes to other people that's not Bam, he doesn't know how to care anymore. Although when it comes to you, you can see and feel that he's trying his best to make you feel he cares.

"That's like telling a person, 'you're deaf? just listen!'" You deadpanned.

A man with red hair approached the table holding a folder.

"Are you detective (l/n)?" He asked.

"Who's asking?" You asked before looking at the man with an eyepatch.

"Detective Sachi Faker." He reached out his hand and you gladly took it.

"To answer your question, yes. I'm detective (l/n)." You let go of his hand before looking at your cup. "Come to the office tomorrow. That's when we'll start the investigation."

The redhead arched an eyebrow before nodding. He placed a card beside you and left. You looked through the window to see him walking away until you couldn't see him anymore.

(a/n: How to write descriptively? Lmao, i don't have the talent/skill;-;)

Elaine let out a small sigh before leaning into her chair. She took a sip of her coffee and crossed her legs. You could tell that she had something to say but is holding back.

"What?" You asked as you arched your eyebrow.

"What happened?" She asked as she leaned closer to you.

"What do you mean?" You asked again.

"I mean, you're the type of girl who always put work first. It's very unlikely for you to just put aside your work. What happened?" She explained.

You let out a small sigh. "Well, if you weren't notified, my father is currently fighting for his life in the hospital, Endorsi got away on my watch, my mom is slowly reverting back to her old state-- which isn't a good thing --and I'm given this big responsibility! Surely, a day off wouldn't change the flow of the investigation." You said as you fidgeted with the empty cup that once held your (favorite drink).

She leaned back again on her chair before looking back at you. "I'm worried about you, (n/n). This must be a tough situation for you." She stated.

"No shit, Sherlock." Khun suddenly spoke up.

He grabbed what appeared to be a calling card that was left by the redhead detective. He leaned forward and let out a sigh. You looked away from the both of them and towards the window.

Why is everyone sighing?

"Pull yourself together, (l/n). I'll help you with your responsibilities." He said.

Suddenly, gray clouds covered the sky as droplets of water fell down and slid down the glass you were looking at. The sound of the rain was muffled but loud. You always liked the rain. It made you feel safe and secure.

"Ah, I should get going. Lieutenant is calling me." Elaine spoke up before picking up her phone. "Hello?"

You waved a small goodbye to her as she ran through the rain. For some reason, the author wanted to write something dramatic so you stood up and dragged Khun outside making him wet. He looked at you with a stoic expression before chuckling at how giddy you looked.

You took off the hair tie you were wearing and let yourself succumb to the rain. The sound of the droplets of water landing on the ground calmed your nerves. You opened your eyes to see Khun was staring at you. Your face flushed before looking away. Why was he staring at you? Was he mad that you took him to the rain?

Khun's POV (didn't see that coming, did ya?)

Khun was suddenly dragged to outside the cafe by yoy. He looked at you with a stoic look as he remembered he wasn't wearing his waterproof watch. He looked down at his watch seeing it was now broken. Not that it mattered since he could always buy a new one.

His eyes landed on you. You were filled with joy as you let the rain embrace your body. You were laughing like a kid which he found weird. I mean, you were already weird so he didn't mind.

(a/n: Lmao, I'm just writing nonsense here.)

His eyes suddenly met with yours. A cheeky grin crept in his face as you looked away flustered. He walked towards you with a smile.

"Come on, you'd get sick if we stay in the rain a little longer." He said.

You complied (cause you're a submissive little b--) and went inside his car. He went in and you both sat there in silence.

Ayo, sorry for the crappy chapter. I'll try and improve in the next one. I have no idea what I wrote up there so... Yeah... Uh... Lots of love ♥

-Kuku~chan <3

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