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"Elaine, we're back." You said as you entered her office.

She was currently examining the knife.

"This knife has Rachel's fingerprints and blood all over it. It makes it look like a she carved the letters herself and died but the autopsy report says she died from suffocation." Elaine explained.

"The killer sure knows what she's doing..." You commented. "But what do you mean heart attack?"

"Although the letter that was carved into her body were before she died, it seems. But I could be completely mistaken. I'll double check." Elaine said as she excused herself out of her office.

"This is quite a mystery." You sighed as you leaned on the table.

"Agreed. We could pass this case to the other detectives here and we won't have to go through this..." Khun suggested.

"Khun. We were assigned on this case because we're the best ones here. The lieutenant is probably not gonna like that." You said before sitting down on the table.

"What's the worst he can do? Fire us? The only people who actually solve things here?" Khun said out loud.

"HEY!!" Shibisu protested as Hatz glared at the blue haired boy before grabbing something from Elaine's room.

"We try our best! It's just that the hardest cases go to us..." Shibisu said as he scratched the back of his head.

"Uh huh..." Khun said absentmindedly before turning to you. "Let's go to a nearby cafe, (y/n)."

He grabbed the victim's file and your wrist before walking towards the said cafe beside the HQ. He pushed open the glass door and sat beside the window.

"Why the heck did you bring me here?" You asked as you sat in front of him.

"Ah, We're going to meet Bam and the other unimportant people here." Khun said as he ordered a coffee.

"Who?" You asked again.

"The suspects, dumbass!" He bonked your head with the folder he was holding.

"Language!" You said back as you rubbed your head. "Why did we leave Shibisu and the others--"

"Khun..!" You heard a familiar voice. "Ms. (Y/n)..!"

You turned to see the cinnamon roll running towards you.

"Good morning, Bam." You greeted with a smile.

"It's afternoon." Khun corrected you but you ignored him.

"Bam, where are the others?" You asked.

"Oh, Ms. Endorsi and Ms. Yuri said they won't be able to come and the others hadn't responded yet." Bam explained. "Why did you call me here, Mr. Khun?"

"Ah, Bam. Rachel's... Well, she's dead." Khun said bluntly.

"Khun!" You punched his arm.

"Ow! What?!" He rubbed his arm.

"Rachel's dead..?" Bam asked his face filled with surprise and a hint of sadness. "D-do you think I did it..?".

"No, of course not." You said. "We just want to know who you think had a grudge on Rachel..."

"W-well, Mr. Khun did threaten her..." Bam silently said as his eyes were locked on his feet.

He didn't think Rachel was gonna die this soon.

"You know what, Bam? Go and take a rest." You said as you ushered him out and he left with a sad look.

"Why would you bluntly tell him that??" You asked Khun.

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