the culprit

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"I need you to come here immediately." Elaine's voice rang through the phone.

"I'm on my way." You grabbed your keys to the motorcycle before driving off.

You entered her office and she raised a piece of evidence.

"We have a suspect." She said sternly.

You were back at home as you were wearing a tux. It looked quite good on you, not gonna lie. You did a few poses on your mirror before leaving your room.

"Mom, I'll be going now. Seth, take care of our mother." You bid your goodbyes before your hand gripped on the door knob.

A feeling in your chest and stomach made you stop on your tracks.

"Calm down, (y/n). This is for work. Be professional." You mumbled underneath your breath.

You opened the door and your eyes met with cobalt blue ones. He had a grin plastered on his face and a bouquet of roses.

"Here," He handed you the bouquet. "For you."

"Thank you." You accepted the flowers and admired it for a few seconds. "Excuse me."

"SETH, GO AND PUT THESE IN A VASE!!" You threw the bouquet at your brother and he caught it.

Khun lended his arms for you to grab as he walked you towards the car.

"After you, m'lady." He said jokingly.

"You're not going to kidnap me, are you?" You asked as you sat down the passenger seat.

"Of course not." He replied before closing the door and seating on the driver's seat. "Why would I tell you if I will?"


You arrived at the place where the party is held. A lot of bouncers were everywhere. Khun's arm slithered around your waist making your face flush.

"Let's go." He said as the both of you walked towards the entrance.

People were in a long line wearing either t-shirts that has a princess' name or face on it or a poster of them. Khun continued pass the girls, boys and non-binary fans of the princesses.
"Khun Aguero Agnis." Khun said to the bouncer.

"Come right in, sir." He replied.

You entered the place and chatters of the people filled the place. The princesses weren't here yet but you could here gossips from the ladies. They were badmouthing Endorsi.

You walked towards the girls and gave them a warm smile. "Were you talking about Endorsi Jahad?"

"Yeah, have you heard? She's all fake. Her looks, her personality, everything's all fake. She even threatened to kill a fan once for trying to get her attention." The lady gossiped.

"This sounds like bullsh*t..." You said as you looked at the ladies. You leaned onto the table and kept your composure.

"Excuse me?" The other one spoke. You kept staring behind them. "Hey! Listen to me!"

"Oh, sorry I was just looking at how mad Endorsi is behind you." You said as a chuckle escape your lips.

Their face revealed pure horror. They slowly turned around to see no one. Their faces deadpanned as your laughter echoed around the room.

"You should've seen your faces..." You said between laughs.

The girl closes to you, raised her hand. She was about to slap you when Khun caught her arm.

"Ladies, wouldn't it be a pain if you get sued for assault?" Khun asked as he gently let go of the woman's hand.

"A-Ah, y-yes. S-sorry..!" She squeaked as her heart rapidly thumped in her chest.

"Let's go, Ms. (y/n)." Khun said as he took your hand which made you flustered.

"Ladies, gentlemen and non binary people! Please welcome, Princess Yuri and Princess Endorsi Jahad!" A man said as two of the waitress opened the door.

Endorsi's eyes wandered around all their guests until it landed on you. A small smile tugged on her lips as she walked towards you.

"Detective (l/n). It's a pleasure to meet you. Bam has been talking great things about you." Endorsi said formally.

"Is that so?" You asked before the both of you let out a small laugh

"Let's go to somewhere more private." She gently grabbed your soft hand. "Shall we?"

"What about your guests? They've been eager to see you all this time and you're just ditching them?" You asked.
"Yuri's here. She can take care of them. Let's go, (n/n)." She dragged you towards a private room and Khun closely followed.

"I haven't seen you in ages, (n/n). How's work?" Endorsi asked as she sat down and grabbed a glass of wine.

"Ah, the usual." You sat down in front of her. "How have you been?"

"Ah, terrible. I lost my hair clip." She said as she pointed at her hair. "I must've dropped it somewhere."

"Hm... Did you drop it whilst carrying the body under the bridge?" You asked seriously.

"Body? What body?" She asked, clearly confused.

"Ms. Endorsi, you are under arrest for murder. You have the right to remain silent. You have the right to an attorney and if you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you. If you waive these rights and talk to us, anything you say may be used against you in court."

"What the hell?! What's your proof?!" She asked

"We found this." You showed her her clip inside a ziplock. "In the crime scene."

"How do you know it's mine?!" She asked.

"It had your blood and hair on it." You said.

"My blood..?" She quickly hid the wound next to her horn using her hair.

"I'm being framed!!" Endorsi said.

"Why did you kill her?" Khun asked.

"I wish to remain silent and I would like to talk to a lawyer." Endorsi said as she looked down.

"Alright. Let's go." You said softly as you covered the handcuffs with your handkerchief and walked beside her.

"I'm sorry." You whispered.

"Don't be, you're only doing your job." She replied.


You sighed as you looked at the one sided mirror and observed the petite girl on the other side of it. She was talking to her laywer, which was Mr. Evan.

"She must be bored out of her mind." You suddenly heard Elaine's voice.

"Can't we assign other detectives on the case? I don't know if I can arrest any more of my friends..." You asked.

"I'm sorry, detective (l/n). But you and Khun are the best ones we have." You heard Lero Ro's voice.

"I'll assign you to be a leader of the special investigation team if this ever turns into a chain murder." He said. "For now, interrogate the suspect."

You let out a heavy sigh. "Yes, sir." You saluted before leaving the room.

"Let's go in, shall we?" Khun asked as he opened the door.

"You go first, Aguero." You said.

He stopped on his tracks and whipped his head around.

"Aguero?" He asked.

"Just go in." You pushed him in and walked behind.

You closed the door and gave Endorsi a soft smile.

"Let's begin, I guess." You thought as you sat at the seat in front of her.


Hope you guys had a nice holiday btw. Lots of love~


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