new victim

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    Your dad has been hospitalized and you thought the doctor was cute ;) (but Khun is the only one for you and you know that (also, I'm thinking of what he'd look like, I'll probably draw him and show him in the next chapter))

Back to the story

It's been 2 weeks after Endorsi's escape. Everyone had been working hard to find her. You on the other hand had taken a week off of work since your father is in a coma and your brother had been working hard to help pay for your father's bills. You were taking care of your mother.

"Honey, I'm the one who almost lost my husband, why are you the one grieving?" She joked.

You weren't very fond of your father, growing up. He always seemed so distant and it was hard to reach him... Literally. He was in jail for 15 years for attempted murder, you being only two years old when he left and Seth being one. He came back on your birthday when you became seventeen, which only gave him four years to catch up with you.

Now, you're afraid that he won't be able to recover and catch up to your life. If he did recover, he would have to catch up with you in jail or he would be sentenced to death but you doubt that since no one had been sentenced to death for 50 years but then again, no one caught a serial murderer in that time span.

An obnoxious knock echoed through the room, cutting off your thoughts. You sighed as you stood up and opened it. There stood Khun with his hands in his pockets. He visited you ten times during your leave. He only annoyed you during those times. This must be his eleventh.

"walang yelo." You spoke in your native language before you tried to close the door.

Keyword: Tried. turns out, Khun stuck his foot between the door and the door frame. You grimaced as you remembered how you slammed the door earlier. You opened the door once again to see his pained expression. It almost made you laugh. Almost.

"You're a little sadistic, aren't you?" Khun said as he quickly recovered.

"Maybe..." You said before folding your arms in front of your chest. "If you're here to annoy me, I suggest you leave. I'm not in a mood for your stupidity."

"If there's anyone stupid here, it would be you, love~" Khun said flirtatiously.

It made your heart flutter. You took a deep breath before glaring at him.

"I'd love to chit chat some more but we need you back at HQ. Apparently, Endorsi struck again." Khun said.

"I can't just leave my mom here." You said as you pointed at your lovely mother.

"Of course, you can't. That's why I brought a trusted caretaker here." On cue, a redhead entered the scene.

You were sure you've seen her before. She had a poker face. She looked towards Khun.

"Haven't I told you not to call me that?" She spoke.

"(Y/n), this is Hwaryun, Hwaryun, (y/n)." Khun ignored Hwaryun's complaint.

"Have we met?" You asked.

"I believe we haven't. Must have been your memories from your past life." She replied before shaking your hand.

"Well, time is gold, detective (l/n)." Khun said before grabbing your wrist. "Let's go."

"Wait-" You were pulled into his car.

You were in his car as he drove towards HQ.

"Is this counted as kidnapping?" Khun asked as he drove. "I mean, I took you against your will."

"You know, I still don't get the difference between kidnapping and abduction." You said before looking at him. "Don't worry, I won't press charges."

"Surprising how a detective still can't differentiate kidnapping and abduction." He said.

"Can you?" You asked and he stayed quiet.

The whole ride was quiet. It wasn't awkward or anything. It was just quiet. It was weird that he didn't give you any information about who died or where it happened. It was weird that they didn't even call you when you're the one in charge of the case. The car came to a stop and Khun opened the door for you.

"Wow, how gentleman-ly," You said as you grabbed his hand and he helped you out of the car.

He replied with a soft chuckle. You both entered the station and Elaine immediately ushered you to her office. She took out a box and slid it towards you.

"A week after Endorsi escaped, Ja Wangnan went missing and after a week, he's found dead in a warehouse." Elaine showed you a picture of the deceased victim. "After the autopsy, we concluded that Rachel and Wangnan died the same although different tools were used to carve the letters on their skin." 

"We have decided to form a team of detectives to find out who's behind this." Lero Ro spoke as he entered the room.

"But sir, isn't Endorsi Jahad behind all of these killings?" Shibisu joined the conversation.

"We aren't sure yet. The princess has many enemies, there is a possibility that she was framed." He replied.

"But she escaped the interrogation room which made her more guilty," Hatz responded.

"Or maybe she was taken. Use your head, samurai." Khun spoke.

"It's impossible, earrings. They would've gone through us before they could reach the princess." Hatz snapped back.


"Can you guys stay quiet for a second?" You snapped. "What will happen now, lieutenant?"

"You, Khun, Hatz, Shibisu, and Sachi will investigate."

"Sachi? The top detective?" Khun asked. "Will he be the one who's going to lead the investigation?"

"No, detective (l/n) will lead the investigation. Mr. Faker has a lot of investigations on his hands so he won't be a full-time member of the team. If he is overwhelmed by the work he needs to do, he'll be replaced by another detective." Lero Ro replied.

"Me?  I'm gonna be leading the investigation?" You asked as you pointed to yourself.

"Yes, (l/n). I know how much you despise being the leader but you're the only one we can rely on right now."

Just when I thought my Hypengyophobia was getting better...


Your past will be full of mental health issues cuz like, why not? so uh... Trigger warning on the next chapters..?

Hope you liked this chapter! Lots of love

-Kuku~chan <3

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